Hello Mineverse Forums, Today, I was scammed by One Vembzzz for 4k and 9 sharp 30s on OP PvP. I was supposed to receive the God Rank (40 USD) for it. I paid first and got nothing in return. I was told later by Vembzzz that he bought it!! This may be a God Rank Gone Missing for me, but for right now, he scammed me. I talked to one of his friends TigerrrPvP and _iRush who claimed that he didn't scammed. Proof below that no rank was received, but my side was payed. LOST 4000 and 9 sharpness 30 swords. I relogged multiple times and he kept insisting that it should be there. If a developer or owner of the server can confirm a purchase of God to me, that would be nice. He insists he did. Video will be here by today. Slowly converting. Thanks, snowbeast01
Thank you for the report. The reported player has been banned. This thread as been moved to Reports - Banned.