Your ingame name: rpcraig The offender's exact ingame name: legend_pvp1 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: I was playing on kitpvp and legend_pvp1 offered to rank me up to Elite for $1570 and so he told me to pay him first. So I paid him and he told me to relog so that the donation would load. As you can see in the video I waited 5 minutes to join, I checked the donation store and nothing. When I rejoined he wasn't on and I haven't seen him since. He has the donor rank God and I would hate for him to be banned since he spent $100. If there was some way he could not be punished if he got me the rank, I would be willing to do so even if he was scammed. (If this makes sense idk) Below is the video of everything that happened. Evidence/full screenshots.
Due to a UUID issue on this server we are not able to punish the player at this time. I do apologize and can assure you that we are working towards a solution. In the meantime while we are fixing this issue I can tell you that uploading the evidence as soon as possible is key to being able to punish the player before the player data is lost. I am not sure how long the time span is before the glitch happens and the player's data is lost, but I know I have been able to retrieve the player data up to 6 hours after the player has logged offline. Although, I think this it was due to a restart with the game mode. I assure you that I will try my best to get to the reports as soon as they are posted and again apologize for the issues and not being able to take action.
Thank you for the report. The reported player has been banned. This thread as been moved to Reports - Banned.