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  • Kit PvP Scammed by legend_pvp1[Scorvix] [Banned]

    Discussion in 'Reports: Banned' started by rpcraig, Dec 6, 2015.

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    1. rpcraig

      rpcraig Experienced Member

      Sep 12, 2015
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      1. Your ingame name: rpcraig
      2. The offender's exact ingame name: legend_pvp1
      3. A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: I was playing on kitpvp and legend_pvp1 offered to rank me up to Elite for $1570 and so he told me to pay him first. So I paid him and he told me to relog so that the donation would load. As you can see in the video I waited 5 minutes to join, I checked the donation store and nothing. When I rejoined he wasn't on and I haven't seen him since. He has the donor rank God and I would hate for him to be banned since he spent $100. If there was some way he could not be punished if he got me the rank, I would be willing to do so even if he was scammed. (If this makes sense idk) Below is the video of everything that happened.
      4. Evidence/full screenshots.
    2. Scorv

      Scorv Gaming Warlord Premium

      Jul 29, 2014
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      Due to a UUID issue on this server we are not able to punish the player at this time.
      I do apologize and can assure you that we are working towards a solution.

      In the meantime while we are fixing this issue I can tell you that uploading the evidence as soon as possible is key to being able to punish the player before the player data is lost. I am not sure how long the time span is before the glitch happens and the player's data is lost, but I know I have been able to retrieve the player data up to 6 hours after the player has logged offline. Although, I think this it was due to a restart with the game mode.

      I assure you that I will try my best to get to the reports as soon as they are posted and again apologize for the issues and not being able to take action.
      Last edited: Dec 7, 2015
    3. AmazingFireGirl

      AmazingFireGirl Retired Head-Mod

      Mar 14, 2014
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      Thank you for the report. The reported player has been banned.
      This thread as been moved to Reports - Banned.
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