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  • Factions Scammed by Finn_006[Banned][Decisive]

    Discussion in 'Reports: Banned' started by SanctusInfernum, Aug 27, 2016.

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    1. SanctusInfernum

      SanctusInfernum Active Member

      Apr 17, 2016
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      Finn_006 was asking to trade money on prison for money on factions.

      I took screenshots of the entire conversation. I'll send the screenshots in this post, sorry there are so many. The deal was I would pay 37k on prison for his 47k on factions. At first he didn't reply to me asking if he was going to come on factions. When he didn't I told him come and pay up or I'd report him. He then said he would report and ban me for blackmail. I repeated that he had to pay or I would report him. He said fine, and went on factions.

      I went on factions as well and waited for the money. In public chat he said 'pay SanctusInfernum 47000' as if he had accidentally forgotten the / in front of it. He said 'oops' and the logged off. I was not able to find him again.

      Here are the screenshots to prove what I said is true.

      2016-08-27_12.18.09.png 2016-08-27_12.18.13.png 2016-08-27_12.18.46.png 2016-08-27_12.19.11.png 2016-08-27_12.21.35.png 2016-08-27_12.21.36.png 2016-08-27_12.22.07.png 2016-08-27_12.22.47.png 2016-08-27_12.22.48.png
    2. Methylone

      Methylone Experienced Member

      Mar 11, 2016
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      Thank you for the report. The reported player has been banned.
      This thread has been moved to Reports - Banned.
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