Before I Begin If This Thread Isn't In The Right Place, Then Change It Where It Is Supposed To Be As You Know The Community Is Very Toxic, So What About If Saying "Ez" Or "L" Would Be Mutable Because Im Experiencing Always When Someone Is Rocking Me Or Gets Me In A Combo They Say "Ez" Or "L/LOL" And I Get Frustrated So I Say Like "Stfu" Or I Swear, But If This Was Mutable I Think It Could Get Rid Of A Lil Bit In The Toxicity Support This Thread If You Think It's A Good Idea!
Or, people can just learn to ignore those players (/ignore) and realize that its just a game and there is no reason to get mad over someone saying "Ez."
While I find it annoying when people do this, I don't think it should be punishable just saying it. But if they spam it like anything else it's punishable. No Support.
If the word 'EZ' offends you so much to the point where you feel like you need to swear, most of the toxicity is coming from you and I think you need to fix that.
ehh maybe just filter it make sure L is filtered on it's own, so words like "Log" don't get filtered.
are you really gonna get offended by two letters someone gives you just because they're better than you at pvp