1. Did you know you're v great? 2. What's your favorite quote from Trump? 3. What's one thing you'd want to do with me irl 4. What would you do if someone gave you 5k to spend? 5. Why do you think so many people enjoy supporting a Neo feminist Nazi HITLERly? 6. Top three favorite people on MV? 7. One song that reminds you of me? 8. What's the last song you listened to?
1. I am unaware of that, sorry. D: 2. "We're gonna build a wall." 3. Eat at Five Guys 4. I'd buy the best laptop invented 5. She is hot 6. Can't name those three sorry <3 7. If you only knew - Shinedown 8. Back to the basics - Lana Del Rey ;) Of course I do
1. Am I one of those three? 2. What's your favorite movie? 3. Who's the funniest person on MV? 4. Wanna go to the beach later? 5. Where's one place you want to visit? 6. Did you know you're v awesome?
1. If you seen Hillary irl, what would you do? 2. Do you agree that Bernie looks like a walking bag of dried raisins? 3. How are you so smart? 4. What are your plans for this weekend?
1. I'd ask her to assassinate me 2. No, Bernie is hot 3. I'm not smart. 4. To Skype you I love you more than you love me : )
1. What's your dream car? 2. Did you know @bleh is Kylie? :') 3. What's your favorite thing of me? 4. Can you please join my Donald trump high school rp on creative???? ;p 5. If you could meet any 5 people right now, who would they be? 6. Favorite album?
1. Fully customized Jeep 3. Your personality & eyebrows 2. Yes I did know that 4. Of course 5. I don't know shush 6. Honeymoon I'm not