SammySweetPea and Kayleecat1120 is known for pouring lava on default players when they go to their store. I made a report before of her putting lava on the warp however it was "not enough proof" because I didn't have screenshot of them advertising the shop. Today, Sammy didn't like a player and tried to kill him with lava and started PMing the player about self-harm. I have sent reports of this before about her publicly talking about self-harm as well. I told her to stop advertising her shop if she doesn't like people going to her warp. That's all. Then when I went on today, She mentioned my name in the chat to pose as a threat. Here's krizia's screenshot and then mine. We are very alarmed because she sounds like she needs help and neither of krizia or my name are known and given away but both our names are publicly announced.
Thank you for the report. The reported player has been banned. This thread has been moved to Reports - Banned.