Hello my young salty members. JOIN MY CLAN!!! FORMAT- Name- How salty can you be- How good are you at pvp(From 1-10)- What rank are you- Are you a GOD? Do you have skype or teamspeak (Pm me it if you got accepted)? Leaders- YeetimusPrime PlayLikeKobe
Name- PlayLikeKobe How salty can you be- Very. How good are you at pvp(From 1-10)- 10000 What rank are you- Owner Are you a GOD? Yeah Do you have skype or teamspeak (Pm me it if you got accepted)? Yeah
You are accepted. You are one of the leaders because ur a salty little dumbo bumbo. I just got banned for ban evading. I'm making ban appeal <3
. Name- Eeh u kno me How salty can you be- just no. I'm a sweetie c: How good are you at pvp(From 1-10)- once i killed a supreme i was like OMG What rank are you- member c: Are you a GOD? No I hope not.. I'm just a human playing mineman Do you have skype or teamspeak? Hell no