roket clan --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Owners: Thnyan559 master_killer_47 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Members: MR_B3N_123 MariasAPanda FOUGHTMOVIE4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Don't post your apply on the reply section Pm it to me How To Apply: Your IGN: What your good at: Skype(optional) : Rank: Do /f join roket on Opfactions <3
MY IGN: BoxmanVenture Good at: Pvp, Raiding and Defending bases from raiders also good at fighting hackers. Rank: Member..
Applying even though i'm not joining. IGN:NoMoreSanity GOOD AT: Being me Rank: Essay Skype: #notgivingitawayidontwanttobeddosed
This faction doesn't seem proper like you spelt rocket wrong and I have never seen you on Factions ever but apart from that everything else looks good.
Your IGN: Too many to name What your good at: messing you up Skype(optional) : you have it Rank: Depends on the account. Main is Titan but I have others.