Ign: Kxngs I am 13 I have god rank How good at pvp: 7 without fishing rod 9.5 with a fishing rod /kit special for days I can be on for about 4 hours a day Sadly I suck and I have like 2 sets of p3 and mostly p2 Communication: none sorry Thanks for reading this idk if I will get accepted.
Ign TADER / Oqtions / PotatoYourDad I'm 11 turning 12 (just a prank in a sweaty 15 year old minecrafter I'm a cool kid Pvp is like -0 out of ten Sweat I'm im mafia Thanks cuzziees
Hey Exponent_ its me NohiJr and I was wondering if I could join create a conversation with me ASAP please
Ign - Prosequence I left M@fia a while ago. More info I'm a OG age - 12 rank - God Even more info I like mineverse but I don't play it All the time, I play it whenever I'm board I'm an ex-member of M@fia and I know I was hated for being immature as fck. But I've realized how I've been. And a reason why I was so immature. Because, I'm still in school but that was when I was in 5th grade now I'm in 6th m grade taught me why to not act so immature and so ignorant. I would always say "D1cked ON" or some other stuff. Which was pretty Downish of me to say that. While, I'm still young learning more proper grammar I'm learning more! Also I missed playing with my Fav's on M@fia Exponent Yoshadow regarthering - like a brother to me) and yet I gave it up because I was sooo immature. I'm not trying to say being mature is the KEY TO GODNESS, being immature can be fun! But too much is annoying and ignorant. Also I'm well known that that mineverse isn't the only server you guys play. That's why I wan't to join! Adventures when my best friends (That I met on a block game) doing some epic pvp servers doing clan wars! On mineverse KOHI! BADLION and more! I missed those days. And, now I wan't those days back. Love you Fam all of M@fia Thanks for taking your time into reading this thank you ALL OF M@FIA except Stattik_Shiv...
Hey! as a Staff Member of M@fia I would like to notify you that we are taking your application into consideration! Therefore the vote will be finished soon it'd be nice to have you back. Good Luck!
Ign: WbcPvP_123/TewPotted Skill: Swords- 8 1/2 Bow- 5 Reason wanting to join: I am friends with most of the people in this clan and I've been told this clan is really good and I thought it would be fun.