My Ign : Zeliex_HD I am: 14 1 - 10 How good am i in PvP : 8/9 I am A no life i have several stacks of gapples and very friendly I use skype / teamspeak / Gamevox/ discord I'm a good friend of kennaroo2 and im a long time player <3
Ign: Heathxr_ Skill level: 8-10 Reason why I want to apply: I was inactive for a month and I hope I am forgiven, but I am trying to to better in school. I want to apply because I enjoy the players of M@fia. They are a all friendly, they try to help everyone on in need, and the are a fun bunch. They are like family. I miss the times we had when I was in M@fia and I would like to rejoin :> Thanks.
Ign: ShrektingPro I am 10 I am a God on this server Pvp skills- Meh around 6-7 I stock up on enderpearls and gapples to use while in combat to make it harder for someone to kill me. I can be online about 1-3 hours everyday. I have over 4 sets of P4 U3 Ds3 in my enderchest. Communication: Skype