Due to a series of unfortunate and untimely events, I will be retiring for at least 2-3 months due to lack of free time. As you know, I recently got back from Chicago, and the second I got back I had to go again. When I got back, we discovered that our sump pump failed in the basement during all of this rain, and now our basement is in about 2 inches of water. As insult to injury, in 6 days I have to go to a summer camp for a staff-in-training program. Once I get back, driver's ed starts up which will be pretty time consuming. I will still pop up now and then whenever I can, but that could be pretty rarely as of soon. I am sorry that I couldn't be here for longer, but someday when all of this clears up I should be able to return, if not for just a month or two. I will never be able to forget this place, and its wonderful players It has been an honor to help aid this server to become what it is today. Since I am retiring, I would like to bring up a few names just for Cypriot or anyone in the staff team to consider as a replacement for me. -jadey64 -SooperAwesome (sooperaya) -almarobb -kirbyo -Firo -Guy(NumbersOrSomething) -Cheez -madisonjr If anyone happens to find an old ban appeal of mine, anyone can take it. Hunger games. After a few words of what to do from other staff members, I decided I will just go on a hiatus instead of being fully demoted. If cypriot feels it is needed to demote me due to inactivity however, I am perfectly okay with it.
;-; Sad to see you go, if only temporarily. Hope all this sorts it self out and such, so you can come back soon.
I will miss you BlueberryWaffle. Just remember, I will be always with you. Literally, like don't forget to look behind you at your bed at 3AM in the morning.
Damn, I really wanted to get to know you better and chill with you :( I wish you luck in life and hope to see you back here soon Blue. Goodbye for now friend.
I do not want to leave you guys, but I have to due to all of these events. I was only on the forums for about 3-4 months, but I will never be able to forget you guys I have made lots of enemies, and lots of friends throughout my journey on this server but I am glad to have been able to become a major part of it. "When one flower is crushed by an elephant of sadness, many new seeds will grow to become a bigger and better flower" -BlueberryWaffle7 (Yes it is my own quote, deal with it)
Blue, don't feel bad. You've accomplished so much during the months you have been mod, feel proud of everybody you've helped, they look up to you.
Don't feel bad. You have done so much for this server, and it has improved more upon your presence. You are an amazing moderator, and I hope to see the day when you return. I hope everything that's going on with your life will be resolved so you can help out the server once more. ;)
My Appeal for having 4 plots, (had no idea was against Rules btw) ScoFu said I will be taking over this appeal since Glaad is semi Retiring