Here's why I'm suggesting this: The servers haven't been reset in a long time. The economy is broken. With the recent glitches, it's the only way to ensure that it is fair for all. The economy regardless of the glitch was out balanced, and items that are usually valuable have become near worthless. Want an example? On KitPvP, if you were to combine two P3 sets and sell that P4 set, you'd struggle to make that $12 or whatever it is back. It would be worth the effort in resetting. The likelihood of the reset attracting new or existing players back into the game would be quite high Mine verse, particularly KitPvP and somewhat OP PvP are in dire need of a pimp out Anywho, pls @CypriotMerks for fairness' sake
Both Kit and OP experienced data issues I believe which caused a reset of certain individuals. #unfair #iworkedformystuff #sodidothers