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  • Infection Reset Infection

    Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by jarroy, Jun 1, 2020.

    1. Robo

      Robo Well-Known Member

      Jan 5, 2016
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      Continuing from my previous comment: No support BUT it can easily be made into a support as I will explain below. It's not like Noobcrew would even bother to reset it though because as mentioned instead of working on Mineverse, he's reopened Minetime (which died again due to it being reopened with 1 gamemode) and he is now working on even more servers. I would only switch to support if this included the gamemode being fully reworked as in 3 months it would be exactly the same with everyone getting to p10. The rework should include a massive change to the leveling system to benefit both new and old players, daily challenges, replace all old maps (there's too many) and change prestiges (I have made an old post on this before). I would go into more detail but it's not like Noobcrew would listen. (he told me "we can do a few maps soon" a month ago and it doesn't look like it will happen anytime soon, much less a rework of the whole gamemode.) Also there's a good reason why this is the last Infection server and it's because the way the gamemode is made means that it will always die out when everyone is max. As I said before, the only reason it survived in the old days was because the server itself had thousands of players and even then, only about 60 of those players even were on the gamemode. If Infection was added to a server like Hypixel, only a small fraction of the players (400 at most) would even play it from the 70k+ players online at most hours. It just shows how bad this gamemode is at staying alive and you can see that when Mineverse started to go downhill in 2017 just how fast the gamemode died and how it was one of the first to be removed. Only a massive revamp/remake of the gamemode that can compete in modern times can stay alive because it's not 2013 anymore. Infection barely peaks at about 25 players during peak times and goes down to 0 almost once every day. A few months ago it easily passed 40 at peak times and you can see it's on its way to dying again.
      Last edited: Jun 3, 2020
    2. Atom

      Atom Legendary Member

      Jan 19, 2017
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      Well I mean frankly if enough people want it I guess crew will implement it, I am personally ready to test anything for infection and I can confidently tell you most of the staff team is too. I believe we could start up again with a few new things and slowly make suggestions and get those suggestions implemented which would keep the gamemode alive and full of new content. I believe crew also responded to you on his post in changelog section with his answer which means it's looking pretty good :)
    3. amli

      amli Boss Member

      Apr 13, 2016
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      neutral/leaning towards support; in my opinion, infection is one of those game-modes that needs to be reset every 3/4 months in order to maintain a good player count & just resetting it once would only solve the problem temporarily.
    4. Disc

      Disc Experienced Member

      Apr 12, 2020
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      thats the problem infection gets reset and they hope it lasts for the longterm
    5. Scorv

      Scorv Gaming Warlord Premium

      Jul 29, 2014
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      It' not like they just have the old maps laying around. All the maps were lost in 2015 crash, when Cyp himself said the only way to get the custom maps back would be to build them by hand again. That's why great maps like Forest, Halloween and Stronghold aren't in the rotation/haven't been added. The common Infection maps (Nether, Rust, Hijacked, etc) are still here because their schematics are publicly know/available, and the player made maps because they can just be transferred from creative again.

      Players used to have to be on Infection the moment they voted to get their voting levels, and I think it should be reverted back to that.

      There would really be no point in grinding/playing Infection if you know all those hours spent progressing are going down the drain and you'll have to do it again. Or at least, having that system would be off-putting for me. Infection just needs an almost limitless progression system. Like any game mode with /bal, players can keep progressing the amount of money they have. Infection doesn't have that (or it has a "balcap") and thus needs more available content to progress to, while having updates in mind once said progression cap is reached by the majority of the community.

      I actually generally despise resets, it's part of the reason I don't heavily play on Mineverse anymore because I know at any given point all my progression can be lost on a game mode. I'm not saying all resets are bad, some are needed at times, but the frequency of them on Mineverse is a bit too often for me.
      Less resets + More content = Better Infection (Goes for other GMs too)
      Last edited: Jun 3, 2020
    6. DeathAuras

      DeathAuras Experienced Member

      Sep 14, 2019
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      oh crap I never knew that there was a crash well maybe because I was like 12 at the time

      yeah honestly we could always do a private server to test maps on sorta like the bedwars testing and then judge feedback off of there
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    7. Disc

      Disc Experienced Member

      Apr 12, 2020
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      I would be 100% up to help testing infection in the private server (If it were to happen)
    8. Atom

      Atom Legendary Member

      Jan 19, 2017
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      It could be similar to bedwars, have some testers that test the newly implemented stuff and if the majority do/don't like it that could affect whether we add it to game or not.
    9. Scorv

      Scorv Gaming Warlord Premium

      Jul 29, 2014
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      Maps could also be added as a trial, and after a week the community could decide if it was a good fit or not, as well as suggest improvements for maps being trialed. This would require lots of attention from the admins who have other game mode/servers to work on, so it may not be possible.
    10. jarroy

      jarroy Boss Member

      Dec 29, 2013
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      I think getting his response is a great start. If the staff team is willing to help test new maps, prestige perks, and other new content, that would be wonderful. Hopefully we can make a good change to the game mode and get it back to its old numbers of 60-80 players at a time. Of course, that shouldn’t be our goal, we should get more people playing and interested in the game and updating the game mode would help so much with that. I don’t know if you or any of the mods played during 2013-2015, but when the gamemode reached 60-90 players, it was truly some of the best moments in my life.

      I never knew about the crash in 2015... was it later in the year?? I know when I played back then the old maps still existed. I really miss Forest, Halloween, and Forest :(

      I agree with you on players having to be on the game mode to reap their rewards. Every now and then when I’m on, somebody random gets on for the first time in awhile and they have suddenly upgraded to SgtMaj without doing anything
    11. Robo

      Robo Well-Known Member

      Jan 5, 2016
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      Bumping, Infection needs a change
    12. CodBucket

      CodBucket Head Moderator Head Moderator Premium

      Mar 13, 2015
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      Big support from me

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