If any mods could see this or noobcrew, I have been Reset in Infection AGAIN I was Prestige 5 1stSgt, now i have screenshots of my lvls, but i think the last time i screenshot my lvls was when i was Prestige 5 MSGt, Although a few days ago, on Infection, @Noobcrew saw that i was Prestige 5 1stSgt. As most of you know, i play infection more than anything on this server, this is why its affecting me a lot. If you could please fix this, i know this has been a problem for this server, and maybe you could do something to help with that Noobcrew, please try get me back to what i was, :( Please ..... Here are the Screenshots of my lvls it shows i have Prestige 5 1stSgt, and now i'm Lcpl, D: :( please help