For the people who want to team with me on ArcherPvP. I team for $50 In game, this allows you to have all the unwanted loot we don't want, and we give out Kit God. However, if you are good at ArcherPvP and the rest of our team like you, and we think you're good then we will allow you to join our team without paying any money, or giving anything. Why do we charge for team??? Too many people want to team, all the time, it's hard to say no, really hard. So, instead of saying no, we just charge $50 (Most people decline) so that's a better way of saying No. Also, many of our team members now find it hard to find people to kill. For Example: If we team with everyone, there will be no-one to kill, leaving there no point at all towards ArcherPvP, so we simply cannot team with everyone. What do you get from teaming? All unwanted / un-needed loot will be given to team members who need it most, money earned will be split (maybe, not always) and we can join together forming 1 huge team, where no one has to worry about being killed by a untrustworthy team member (cause there are none!). Why the $50? $50 is quite a lot of money, therefore not everyone is going to want to team! (If it was $10, everyone would be team :p). The price will go up for the more members we get, and all team members will have to agree on this price, and all the rules that comes with being on our ream. Rules of being on our team: 1. No betrayal 2. You must help a team member unless it is literally impossible 3. Don't be selfish, share some items! Thats it, these rules are simply in place to allow a better teaming experience. Don't want to pay to team? Again, if you're good at ArcherPvP and we think so, then we will accept you, however if you're bad at ArcherPvP and are not willing to pay, i'm afraid you cannot team. "Teaming like this makes the GameMode un-fun and unenjoyable" Some may agree to this, yet I don't. This is another reason why the large price is in place, we don't accept many people, only the people who pay or are extremely good. "This still makes the game unenjoyable" - There is nothing that can be done about teaming, however the team will be broken or suspended if too many people are online that are teamed together. Why are we making a large team? Earlier, I joined, and was greeted by 5 players all in PP Armour. I asked if they wanted to team, and they said no (they were their own team) so I jumped down and had a 30 minute battle with them, they lost / gave in. I would have won that / we would have won that battle providing there was a loyal team to fight their team! Some may find this a horrible, bad, terrible idea, yet I don't. If you want to join our team, join ArcherPvP any time in the evening (4pm - 8.30 Pm | English) and I should be on. For more information, or who's in the team, private message me :p. Have a nice day . People who have asked to team, here's the answer :P@The Hated Wwplgamer
Why would anyone want to team with a bunch of bad players for 50$? Rather buy myself 50 McChickens for that price.
Yes, but if I did this (Which I wish I could) I would be team with everyone :/ Thanks for commenting however :P Have a nice day .
Or no price I don't know anyone who would spend any money to team with a bunch of noobs who could backstab you at anytime and kill you.
I am not making the price lower, I have valid reasons on why I am not making the price lower. Our team already consists of 10-11 people who aren't "noobs" in fact some of them are some of the best players on ArcherPvP. And yes, we could backstab you at any time, but we won't. There is no reason for us to backstab you, if you're good then we won't mess with you, and if you've paid, then everyone in the team is happy with you anyway, so there is no need to stab you in the back, because most of us have the best gear, and don't need $1.
Don't care about the price I wouldnt team if you payed me 50$. No one will pay that you can say they have or will but they wont.
That's the point! :eh If the price is high, not many people will pay. I said that the high charge is a way of kindly rejecting people, and if they choose to pay, then they get to join the team, and I am not bothered.
What happened Elliot? You once said me and you make an awesome team. And then suddenly I come on and your like ima kill you whenever I see you. What the heck. I thought that you saying "we make an awesome team" means im good enough to team with you... I guess not?
There are far too many people wanting to team, and I feel extremely bad when I say No. This is my way of saying No. Also, It gets tiring when you keep saying "Elliot, why do you hate me" just because I didn't pay you or something, also annoying when you rage, and say that you're quitting. You have also been inactive for nearly 11 days!
Seems like a cool idea, but gets kind of boring when its just people in diamond armor killing poor /kit archer people :P, Being over powered is only fun for so long...