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  • Reporting Mods...Please Read.

    Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Gemmalove, Oct 16, 2014.

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    1. Gemmalove

      Gemmalove Experienced Member

      Aug 9, 2014
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      They aren't paid. Minecraft is a game, playing a game is a hobby. They've just invested their time, and put their loyalty in a certain place. Volunteering their time is still a job in some's eyes, but remember they aren't getting much reward from this.

      The amount of reports that are posted in that section daily is huge. You're talking about the "good old days". But how many moderators were on the team during that time? I'm not talking about legitimate reports here, like I said, some reports can bring actual issues to light. I'm talking about reports calling people lazy, I'm talking about people abusing the report button just to leave the most hateful and vile paragraph I've ever seen about a person. Nobody deserves that. A reminder would be a message to them, a report, especially the ones I've seen recently, is just a slap in the face.

      This is the last time I'll be replying to anything negative, I don't want to have the thread shut down for arguments <3
    2. Zambiana

      Zambiana Well-Known Member

      Jan 24, 2014
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      Without being rude to anyone. <-- even though I'll fail.

      The Mineverse staff team and the Skyblock staff team differences are too great, both of the teams have weak points and both have strong points. Skyblock for example tend to have better communication, we have sections where we post logs & have each server downlocked and talk to each other.

      As for Mineverse the Mods don't communicate, at all. Issues build up and people get hurt and then hold grudges, which results in a poor Moderating experience. However, these reports are actually valid, people just don't go all paparazzi and snap 1,000 pictures and stalk Moderators and the Mods abuse this.
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    3. Gemmalove

      Gemmalove Experienced Member

      Aug 9, 2014
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      I agree that the communication here is less, both between moderators between the community and the moderators. On skyblock the senior members and the mods are like best friends MOST of the time. Here it's the opposite, the older members seem to hate the moderators, at least the newer ones.
      I think some of the reports could be valid, not as a demotion, but as a warning to the mods. However, all validity is lost when people just call the mod "stupid" or say they are an "unhappy mod" and count that as a reason for a report.
      EDIT: Honestly, this is one of the least rude responses on here, I wouldn't call that a failure :)

      DOUBLE EDIT: Completely unrelated, but oh my god 26 winners.
      Last edited: Oct 16, 2014
    4. Gemmalove

      Gemmalove Experienced Member

      Aug 9, 2014
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      Can't see it, may be my computer.
    5. omie2001

      omie2001 Experienced Member

      Jul 11, 2014
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      I agree
    6. GizzBots

      GizzBots Well-Known Member

      Sep 17, 2014
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      I don't wanna get hated for what little input of mine I provide so please, don't flame over a post I make.

      Firstly, this is not directed at any mods, players, people, ect ect. This post is just, well let's say 'in general'.

      I honestly don't see what is that bad about the server at the moment. The people who are making staff reports over such petty and arrogant things need to grow up. With that being said, yes, there are 'expectations' for the mods to uphold. Here's an example(I'm going to use Mine as an example, I know he won't take it personally).

      Let's say Mine goes inactive for 4 days due to school work- That is ok, he has a life. ALTHOUGH, other mods need to step up. Let's say a player called Frankie was banned by Mine on Kit PvP for hacking yet wasn't hacking. He then has to wait numerous days, without reply when he wasn't hacking- I know that would make me mad.

      My point is, it is ok that mods need to have there time in life where they need to take a break, but when there are tasks at hand, those tasks cannot be put on 'snooze' until the mod is able to come back.

      Another thing I feel strongly about is the demand for respect. I am a strong advocate for the fact that respect is to be earned. I believe that when a mod is put on the spot and given so much responsibility like they are, of course to start off they deserve respect although when they don't live up to these expectations that Grayson is talking about, of course the players will become disappointed.

      School. It is VERY important although, if a mod requires to be inactive during a period of time, they should organise to have there work taken over for them.

      Anyway, it's 12:40am in the morning, I apologise for the lack of grammar if I sound stupid in some parts- I'm tired as hell. Goodnight ya'll.
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    7. Kymonlyte

      Kymonlyte Experienced Member

      Sep 17, 2014
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    8. Gemmalove

      Gemmalove Experienced Member

      Aug 9, 2014
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      I agree with a lot of what you've said.
      If a mod is inactive for a bit, the others will have to work a little harder, that's just common sense. Yes, the tasks can't be put on snooze, so at a point, inactivity isn't acceptable. But one of the reports I had seen, they had been inactive for two days. Two days of having a project to work on after school, or being out of town, or something like that, and you have to expect reports? that's sad.
      Lastly, I think of respect as two levels. Basic respect, which is rights, civility, and respect of opinions, and higher respect. If someone is a mature and thoughtful person, they will have the higher respect level from me.
      But even the rudest, most immature person will still have that basic respect from me, I will accept their opinion, even if I believe the exact opposite thing, and I won't send them rude things.

      I think that was very well put together actually :)
    9. Daddy

      Daddy Well-Known Member

      Jan 12, 2014
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      Understaffed? Are you kidding me? This isn't Skyblock.net where everyone goes and gets married and get hired for who knows why.
      Mineverse has 20 staff. If it truly needs more staff and you say it's understaffed that's a joke. All these Moderators aren't picking up the slack around here. If they actually did work the server would be in better hands but look at it.

      They got the job to work on Mineverse. They need to work and put in the hours that were expected on how "Active" can you be on the server each day.
      If they are only going to work about 30 minutes to a hour and not go even close to the amount of time they said they could put in, in there application then they shouldn't be Moderating as they are obviously taking it for granted.

      If that's the case, why did you make a Application when you are already a Moderator of .net? I mean it seems like you aren't truly busy if you had to make a application over here.

      It wasn't because Cyp wanted people he could trust. He knew that they were good at what they did on the other servers and brought them here.
      (IMHO: Shouldn't have done that at all)

      If I tell a Moderator they are slacking do you understand how pissed off these kids will get. Even if I put cherries on top. They will be like " Don't tell me how to do my job " or " I do a lot of work " and the list goes on. Sure it takes respect to get respect but when you go head on with a Moderator with Respect and they count you as Disrespect they get aggravated and feel insulted when they should take a look in the mirror.
    10. MCExplore

      MCExplore Experienced Member

      Dec 22, 2013
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    11. djryan

      djryan Legendary Member Premium

      Feb 22, 2014
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      Rates 15/10
    12. Ziipper

      Ziipper Experienced Member

      Feb 27, 2014
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      Just wow Just wow ! its just amazing , u couldn't of put it any better! *Pats Gemmalove on the back*
    13. CreeperZ

      CreeperZ Experienced Member

      Oct 22, 2013
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      I 100% agree with what u said especially the one at the bottom for example I tried to help Pop and all I get as a reply is "Don't tell me how to do my job"
    14. Broken

      Broken Experienced Member

      Apr 5, 2014
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      ^HAS POINT, @Noobcrew @CypriotMerks Please put this on the notices on the Home page everybody needs to see this
    15. SavageTM

      SavageTM Well-Known Member

      Feb 14, 2014
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      @Gemmalove I can say more but I don't need to @Daddy stole the words out my mouth. You think mineverse is like skyblock? LOL no. You have yet to learn about mineverse. I've been here for a year and 4 months and I've seen this is nothing like skyblock. These mods have not met the criteria as the old ones. Wake up Gemma.
    16. Gemmalove

      Gemmalove Experienced Member

      Aug 9, 2014
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      I mostly want to mod Mineverse to help the forums tbh.
      Like I stated, I think having more mods that helps out less individually would be better than less that focus their entire lives on Mineverse, it isn't healthy.

      @samuelgamer123 I'm having trouble understanding what you mean. "These mods have not met the criteria as the old ones." I'm assuming you mean the new mods aren't as good as the old ones? Well that's yearning for the past, and they're gone for different reasons.
      Also, of course Mineverse and skyblock are nothing alike. That's my point. You guys seem to resent the very people who help keep the server running as best as they can.

      And yeah, sometimes feedback isn't taken well by people. You just shrug, know you tried, and if the situation gets worse you can report.

      Lastly, it's really up to Cyp about inactivity, what time is too inactive. He makes the demotions (excluding the almighty @Terrick :t:) and I honestly don't think he bases his decisions off these petty complaints about mods.
    17. SavageTM

      SavageTM Well-Known Member

      Feb 14, 2014
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      There not gone for Abuse or Taking advantage of their rank. Most resigned or got demoted for a couple of sentences. If these mods don't step it up even after the training.... Something is wrong. You need more time to see what goes on and not a biased point of view <3.
    18. Gemmalove

      Gemmalove Experienced Member

      Aug 9, 2014
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      I know some of the reasons that some are gone.
      I also know there were quite a few resignations (I don't necessarily blame em')
      But the point is, you say they need to step it up after their training, most of the mods reported are still in training.
      Therefore according to what you said, they're doing okay right now, which has been my point all along.
      Also, I think my point of view is quite unbiased, considering I've been here long enough to make these observations, but I'm not amazing friends with many of the people in the community, I haven't formed any enemies (I don't think :p) or really formed any opinions about specific people, just passing on what I've seen as a whole community.
      So really, I'm about as unbiased of an opinion on this as you're gonna get.
    19. kitkat6605910

      kitkat6605910 Legendary Member

      Apr 9, 2014
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      Gemma, this is absolutely stunning.
      Just like the others stated:
      We have lives.
      We have school.
      Also, we cannot be online 24/7.
      Its funny how Moderators get reported for being inactive for 2 days and yet they don't even have proper evidence.
      I just want to say to all the staff, do NOT let the haters bring you down. We try our best, and so far it's been pretty good. You have all been doing an amazing amount of work and we are all proud of you. Keep up the work. <3
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    20. Lord Jaraxxus

      Lord Jaraxxus Well-Known Member

      Jun 9, 2014
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      good job
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