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  • Reporting Mods...Please Read.

    Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Gemmalove, Oct 16, 2014.

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    1. Grayson

      Grayson Well-Known Member

      Mar 11, 2014
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      They are realistic.
      Even if they aren't realistic, you shouldn't just stop trying.
      It's possible to do at least 20 reports a day.

      When Pile, MPG, Mine, and I were Moderator, we had the Reports section cleaned everyday.
      Look at it now.
    2. djryan

      djryan Legendary Member Premium

      Feb 22, 2014
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      I have the feeling the kitkat part was directed for me, so let me explain.
      I fully understand if said mod has school and work, i know that. But saying that makes it seem like she is the only one in the world who has school and work. The fact is, if you cant do the job, step down, take a break, catch up on kife, and come back with welcomes and hellos. However, if you choose to remain a dead weight, allowing people to expect apon you alot of work, then thats a different story. Stepping down shortly is not the end of the world. Look at @Darkchyldeone and @ohhglaze , they will be back when they've caught up on life, they made the smart choice to take the break instead of risk permanent demotion due to expected inactivity.
      I hate no one.
      You guys are like my second family.
      The school excuse is worthless at this point.

      And if your asking yourself "why i didnt report taylor or larry they do basically nothing!" . They moderate 5 damn servers, have school, have family, have way way more workload. They are mini cypriots.
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    3. Gemmalove

      Gemmalove Experienced Member

      Aug 9, 2014
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      Reminds me of a part in the thread about senior members being bitter.
      If you're gonna report them, at least gather evidence and do it nicely.
    4. Gemmalove

      Gemmalove Experienced Member

      Aug 9, 2014
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      School is a perfectly legitimate excuse. And if it gets too long, a temporary break from staff may happen. Try to put yourself in her shoes.
    5. Grayson

      Grayson Well-Known Member

      Mar 11, 2014
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      If the players are upset about how you're performing, don't expect unicorns and flowers.
    6. djryan

      djryan Legendary Member Premium

      Feb 22, 2014
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      No its not. Its not an excuse to be a dead weight. Its an excuse to take a break. If you opt out of taking the break, you will be expected to work 110% like the others.
    7. jarroy

      jarroy Boss Member

      Dec 29, 2013
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      It is an excuse. It's called life. Because without education, what are you going to do? Minecraft isn't your life, because it won't get you anywhere. School is not a break, it's work. You're telling me gaming is more important than school? k.
      Last edited: Oct 16, 2014
    8. Gemmalove

      Gemmalove Experienced Member

      Aug 9, 2014
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      Couldn't say it any better.
    9. Lola Perez

      Lola Perez Boss Member

      Nov 1, 2013
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      Excuse me but school is very important. If you don't study, you will fail in life.
    10. Gemmalove

      Gemmalove Experienced Member

      Aug 9, 2014
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      Wha about respect? Cause I think anyone deserves that.
    11. Terrick

      Terrick Experienced Member

      Oct 3, 2014
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      Oh great, another person boasting about their "good 'ol days" as a mod.
      You were demoted twice, I'd take a new mod who won't get demoted over a mod who "does everything" and gets demoted any day.

      The report section is doing just fine, and you're not needed, as I can see.
      You were given multiple chances, yet you still talk down on staff and make it seem like they need to dedicate their lives to this.
      People are promoted, and demoted if they're TOO inactive, not because they take a day or two off to party with a group of friends.

      People annoy me when they think they understand how anything works, and especially when ex mods try to downplay staff because they're mad they got demoted, and in your case, multiple times. Both of which I laughed about and supported.
    12. Grayson

      Grayson Well-Known Member

      Mar 11, 2014
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      Yes, people do. I'm just saying, there are players who don't care about others.
      I've been demoted once for a misunderstanding, and I resigned.... LOL
      I never said I was needed, as I don't want to be.
      I feel the mods can live up to the expectations they are put under, but when you are defending them like this it gets worse.
    13. Terrick

      Terrick Experienced Member

      Oct 3, 2014
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      Shall I post the thread you posted in the mod section then deleted shortly after, resulting in your demotion, not a resignation?
      Pretty sure I remember you crying to Cyp the first time, and no, that wasn't a misunderstanding, I was there, don't even try to lie here, that was my decision as well. Your girlfriend Pile saved you the first time, after I ended up saying we should give HER a second chance, but she failed to do so.
      Your conversation about the mods in the first demotion was plenty to end you right there.
      As for saying you were needed, ha, yes you did, implying it and stating it are virtually the same thing.

      My defending them is exactly why they're still mods, not people who threaten to resign, insult mods, and post horrible things about the owner and co owner such as yourself?
      Gg, kiddo.
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    14. Grayson

      Grayson Well-Known Member

      Mar 11, 2014
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      yet @kitkat6605910 threatened to resign...
    15. PopIs_MyLife

      PopIs_MyLife Legendary Member

      Jul 22, 2014
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    16. Terrick

      Terrick Experienced Member

      Oct 3, 2014
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      I don't see any care going towards that as the attitude given by kit was perfectly normal compared to the crap one you and Pile gave shortly before getting demoted.

      You can't even give gemma a reason why respect is needed, simply because you don't respect people if you don't "have" to, which is a horrible way to live life.
      • Like Like x 2
    17. Terrick

      Terrick Experienced Member

      Oct 3, 2014
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      And now everyone can see why Cyp doesn't reply often, things like this happen and people start complaining and then others get the "truth" they oh so desired shoved right down their throats because the "truth" others gave, expecting him to not reply would remain acting as a false sense of what's right.
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    18. Daddy

      Daddy Well-Known Member

      Jan 12, 2014
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      There is countless of Moderators, many whom I shall not say names that I don't think should be Moderator. You also got to understand that there is boundaries. The Moderators we have now is nothing compared to how it was. Cypriot can hire multiple Moderators but does it mean they will do there duties. There's about 4 to 6 Moderators that are new. All of them are in training, they been here for almost a week and are still being trained. All these new Moderators are semi taking over the reports. The other Moderators are some what here and there but they aren't doing reports as the newer Moderators are being trained to do them.
      Once all there training is over with then it should be back to normal to a extent.

      Before the new Moderators there still was issues and still there will be unless past/new Moderators pick up the slack and keep it steady in theory. Sure this is a Game, this isn't life. But this is a server which makes money, has over 1000 players a day, countless of hackers, and more but there needs to be people who MODERATE, people who are in game helping players and much more.

      Sure there is Moderators going on, no doubt about that. But do I see half or even near half of the 20 Moderators there is in game on? No. Nope not at all. Sure you got a life, you got school, but if you can contribute at least 1 to 2 hours of your day to this server, you have no idea how much help that can do. In 1 hour of work you can do so many reports, Ban Appeals, etc.
      Speaking of Moderators being in game, I sometimes see a couple of Moderators in Game. But the problem for me is that I see Moderators in game, I message them yet I get no response. Now I already know the reason and what people are going to comment about that after me saying that is one of the following:
      • AFK
      • Doing reports
      • Uploading a video of Hacker/etc
      • Doing Ban Appeals
      • etc

      In game if you are going to be sitting on the forums, uploading videos, then get off. Do not be in game while you are doing those subjects.
      Because when players like myself message a Moderator and don't get a response because they are AFK how is that going to help the player/server?

      What good are you if you are AFK. Just leave the game and then come back when you are not AFK. For example yesterday, I saw 2 Moderators on KitPVP and messaged them both, Not a single response. 2 minutes later I do /who and they are both offline. Wonderful. My issue wasn't resolved. I had to chase Moderators down to help fix the issue yet the problem for me is that I didn't see any on.

      tl;dr Pick up the slack and work.

      This isn't directed to anyone at all but if you feel you are directed to then feel that way.
      • Like Like x 1
    19. Grayson

      Grayson Well-Known Member

      Mar 11, 2014
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      The thing is, none of them were asked to come here to just take up space. They were offered a job, and they took it. Nothing wrong with that, but when you aren't living up to the expectations you are required to, things don't go well. The people you are serving get angry, and all hell breaks loose, like what is happening currently.

      I have a feeling these guys are just saving their-selves by just doing 3 or 2 reports every other day, but that isn't right. You volunteered to do so, so do it. There's no excuses to lack on what you volunteered for.

      As for me, I asked if I could have my rank back because I was scared about what would happen to the community. I missed the players I worked for. I missed the community. I then found out that I should just move on, and I am in the process of doing so.

      About the respect, yes people do deserve respect. Everyone does. We are humans, we are not perfect, nor will we ever be. We will not treat each other positively all the time, as not all of us feel that this is the right thing to do. Moderators should consider these reports less offensive and being attacked, and rather just as a reminder saying, "work harder."

      These players expect a lot, so you have to do a lot. You can't just expect everyone to respect you because of your tag, granted that does happen often, but that is not what the rank is for.

      Moderators are not to attack the community, but help them. I've even dedicated my time after my resignation to try to help settle situations and help staff. Hell, I've been training 2 staff how to use the forums and such when they were promoted.

      I don't expect the staff to be perfect.
      They just need to work together, and get things done correctly.

    20. Discdog1000

      Discdog1000 Well-Known Member

      May 1, 2014
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      I think moderators deserve more respect these days. It's extremely hard moderating all of the players and the gamemodes, plus most of them have things to do in life. Usually school is hard to manage on its own, so it's probably really hard for all the mods and players to be active (excluding weekends)
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