I have another hacker to report. My name is firearrow3421 It's hard to read but the hacker's name is shillhunter The reason is teleportation and this is only one of the times. Sorry that the video is laggy at the beginning but the game is not lagging. I am working on getting better editing software. Anyway, here's the video proof - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lfOPfNVavxvW22mBZiw4tu5qSuiMZsJ9/view?usp=sharing
Just a tip for future reports, try and make sure that the players username is really visible as it took me a lot of effort to actually see it. If a mod can't see the players username in a report then they can't ban them :)
Thank you for the report. The reported player has been banned. This thread has been moved to Reports - Banned.