So someones hacked me, got my address and is saying he will tweet it out. I have no clue if this is true as I dont got twitter, but would that be reportable?
If you have proof it is a threat and is bannable (to my knowledge). Go ahead and report it and if a mod denies it then that's that. It won't hurt to report it though.
Threats Do not threaten any user of Mineverse. Death, SWAT, hostage, etc threats are looked down upon and will be punished. Phrases such as "kys" will also be punished with seriousness. Making up random acronyms to avoid punishment will not help you. In-game: Threats of any kind will result in a 31 day ban from the gamemode. Releasing Private Information: Do not release private information of anybody on Mineverse. This includes but is not limited to IP adresses, adresses, phone numbers, names, or Skype usernames. In-game: Releasing personal information can be a month ban or perm ban based on severity. It is up to the staff members. It is bannable under these offenses ^^^ Is your question answered?
Ok.If you catch him doing these things again,screenshot the chat(It cannot be cut/edited)and report the user in the reports section.
Please do not get in moods like this, life is worth more that you know, but mostly people still don't know that. Please don't give up, we are always here for you, to help you in every bad time. We're here to protect you with bulliers, but please don't give up or cry.
What you are describing is doxing and yes that is an offence however I don't know as it isn't on mine verse however you could report it to twitter if they do it
If it happens on Twitter just get someone to report it on there. Though, you can't really report it on here as they can't confirm it would be someone precise.
If they leak it in mineverse game chat then it's bannable. Anywhere else is out of Mineverse's control. If he has threatened you in game, report him.
Enough with the crying bs. We aren't buying it. You've made like 3 threads now that are like the same, if you are going to do something, do it. Enough attention.