A definite No support from me. I have seen quite a few servers with this command, Its useless as it provides no actually proof and 99% of the time is useless
Neutral, I think it'd be better if after someone does the command all the staff on the server get a broadcast.
No support. - I'm fine with just gmsg ing - I'm also fine with going on forums to ask for help Overall, I don't think this is needed.
If we were to have this, we would need some punishments put in place for report spamming, and false reports. Neutral, I don't think MV should have this, but if the community shows some responsibility, then sure.
No Support. Reasons Stated. Also, aside from /gmsg, there is /staff as well... Having /report seems unnessary. Edit: Aside from that, there would probably be some players that after doing /report, expect said player to be automatically banned (which, without sufficent evidence, wouldn't happen.) In comparison, /gmsg isn't as likely to give players this impression/expectation, unlike /report. (I am aware that this last reason is somewhat opinion based and mainly speculation, however, I think this would be a likely occurance, so I decided to add it to the list anyway. No Support even without this though.) Edit #2: I agree with adding punishments for 'report spamming', but not 'false reports'. What if the person reporting sincerly thought someone was hacking? Or if a hacker toggles their hacks before evidence if obtained? This would encourage people to Not report hackers because of fear of punishment. If this was implimented with /report, few people would be willing to actually use it. (Just wanted to point this out ^_^) Note: Didn't want to double post.
No support People will just start doing every time they die... This will probably be abused to much. So just recording that player and reporting them on forums is the best way for now.
On another server, they have this command, but like others said, it would EASILY be abused. Plus, You could record the hacker yourself and report it on the forums. No Support, could be abused and it's more easier on the forums.