No support, because some people can't tell if people are actually hacking or not, or they just will spam it because they are mad? Also how will the mods keep up with the report requests?
No Support, a lot of people would use this because they accuse people of hacks when they're just mad when they got killed
Ever heard the phrase "if it ain't broke don't fix it" this can be applied here,the method we have now works, don't tamper with it as it'll likely break
Neutral. People could just be trolls and waste administrators time or call hacks when their just bad at pvp.
No support. ^^ This And, if someone wanted someone banned, they could get a group of friends on (or pay people) To do /report randomedude21 kill aura. If this person gets enough people to /report randomedude21 for kill aura, poor poor randomdude21 would probably get banned.