So we Prison players know once you enter the PVP zone and you're hit by another player, glass blocks force you to stay inside the PvP zones but players are able to break the glass block and glitch to safezone. Here are a couple videos of examples. My suggestion is to replace the glass blocks with something a player isn't able to break so easily to get out of PvP.
Support. I recommend something like Obsidian, which takes forever to break even with efficiency 5 diamond pickaxe.
How is it glitching? You can stand on the edge of red line and it says you're in the safezone but people can still hit you so the glass spawns with you inside it. Getting banned for that isn't fair.
Maybe implement a plugin where you are put in adventure mode when you are in a particular area? That way we'd still have that cool looking glass. That is, if there is one out there If not, barriers could be just fine. Support
Thanks! Thanks! Another video why this needs to be replaced:
You can actually get to a point where you are able to avoid getting hit, which is the problem. The glass is put up on purpose to prevent constant running back to the safe zone once about to die, which was a common occurance on the old prison. It's a glitch that allows you to exit pvp when you're not supposed to, therefore it is a ban for glitch abuse. Honestly I loved how the colored glass looked, it sucks glass is such an unreliable block. I agree with others on having it be barriers instead.