Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Buntobaga, Jun 19, 2014.
IGN: Ducky_Puppy
Rendering bugged out :/ Sorry
My hoodie D:
ign iPlayzGamez
IGN: lolaperez_123
IGN: madisonjr
Hard to do the skin and such and much, sorry :/
Omg the hair was so hard
LOL Don't worry about it
Its allright I'm Mystique :t:
IGN: The_Pinoy_Beast
Hey Bunto you can edit the skin in Novaskin and remove the face. Hope it helps
IGN : Aimbot2348
IGN : RepublicGamerZ
IGN: rachetclanks
After this lot I can't do any more until I get a new PC charger. Keep on posting them
how do people animate?
Damn glitchez :/