Hello, excuse my over use of percentage statistics, but I like them. Hello (again), I'm 100% sure that possible 0.50% of this community vaguely know who I am, and that 40% of that 0.50% come from Minetime. But who cares :P Quite a while back, I made a thread asking if anyone would like me to make renders for them (along with an intro) and I got some requests. Unfortunately, I had to move across country 3 times since then, and may have forgotten about it. (The link is here if anyone is remotely interested in reading my introduction) So, again, I would like to know if anyone would like me to make them a render. If you would, please answer the following questions in shown format bellow. Your IGN/Friend(s) IGN(s): Action (if any): Background: Items?: Mobs?: Sky colour?: Night/Day: Thanks for reading <3
Your IGN/Friend(s) IGN(s): RebornWolf, just me ty Action (if any): In a dog position, so yeah on my feet, next to a wolf Background: Snowy forest (MC) Items?: A diamond sword and steak lying down somewhere on the ground. Mobs?: A wolf or dog next to me with the same position as me Sky colour?: Sunset Night/Day: Evening tyvm
Your IGN/Friend(s) IGN(s) UncleUrnesto, Rejection, DangerousHacker Action (if any): Standing Up Background: The End Items?: Diamond Swords in right hands Mobs?: Skeleton Creeper and Pigmen Sky colour?: Light blue Night/Day: Night
Your IGN/Friend(s) IGN(s): Blueman05, Wozzi, Connor_14, Sando3, StealthyNoob (sitting in the corner with nothing) Action (if any): As described Background: Surprise me Items?: Blueman05-Full diamond, Wozzi-Full iron, Connor_14-Full chain + stone sword, Sando3-Enderpearl Mobs?: nah Sky color?: Blue Night/Day: day
Your IGN: Ruminisque Action: Facing Backwards. Background: Desert. Items?: Lever and Redstone. Mobs? Villager right next to me, looking the same way. Sky colour?: Light blue. Night/Day: Afternoon.
Your IGN/Friend(s) IGN(s): Arabic_Bear Action (if any): Background: the End Items?: 2 daggers, like the picture :D but you can change them to any other daggers Mobs?: Ender dragon Sky colour?: purple black Night/Day: well, night
Bump(ish). Also, if you don't mind, I'll start these tomorrow due to me moving and being very busy. (I live in the UK, so it's currently 3:43PM as I post this, if that helps.)
Your IGN/Friend(s) IGN(s): WhyteDuck, Auzziii, MCRDuck Action (if any): Posing in a selfie way Background: A house Items?: No Mobs?: A duck if possible Sky colour?: Blue Night/Day: Day
Your IGN/Friend(s) IGN(s): Tonyawojo Action (if any): Hands on hips. Background: mooshroom biome Items?: none Mobs?: none Sky colour?: blackish and stars Night/Day: Night
I know this isn't the background you asked for, but every time I tried to import a snow forest, Mine-imator crashed. If you would like me to redo it, by all means ask me to do so. I hope you somewhat enjoy ^^