Hi! I though that's for op if people can take their rank kit when they are zombie. They go around and kill everyone and when anyone camping on a place can they just shot them down or kill them. It's maybe fun for they has a rank. But not for them doesn't have a rank, people without a rank spawn and die. I hope you can do anything to it. Best wishes Wearl
No support,it's annoying as a zed when there are people running around in Elite-Titan armor spawnkilling,or defending 20 humans,guaranteeing a human win.
No Support. Donors already do get access to their kits as a zombie if the 5min cooldownngoes has been complete.
No Support, it's really frustrating when HUMANS go op and spawn kill, so this is just to equal it out. Besides, a lot of maps are human biased so that also helps in a way