Remove The TP Delay For Mods!As many of you know, when a mod force tps to a hacker or player in need of help it takes 5 seconds. I think it's time we remove that. Whenever a player messages a moderator or messages a moderator in public to tp to a specific player that may be hacking. The majority of those hackers toggle off immediately by the time the moderator force tps to the player. Therefore, that's a waste of time. If cypriot were to remove the TP delay to players, the moderators would have a better chance to catch the hacker. What I'm saying here is just remove the 5 second TP delay for mods. Thank you all for reading!
Support. It was like when I used to tp to possible hackers, if I don't tp there immediately it seems like I'm a bad Mod (to some players). :P