It is only on Prison, and if you want to discuss something personal or life threatening, don't do it on a Minecraft server.
No support. Some of the things can get bad on Prison and Skyblock (we have ss there too) and we can't do anything about it when they complain without proof.
Social Spy: Pros Catching illegal activity Easier to catch death threats (most of them are done through PM) Cons Easily abusable e.g. when a Moderator gets demoted, they could use what they have seen as blackmail to users Invasion of privacy Conclusion: Social spy should only be turned on when a player comes to you, complaining that someone is harassing or threatening them through PM or if the Moderator has suspicion of a rule being broken. Other times, it should be turned off as I believe that even though we are of higher power, we need to respect other people's conversations. As far as I know, we have Social Spy on Prison and Skyblock. If you don't like the command being given to Moderators on these game modes, don't chat about anything illegal or personal.
they just have to take a screenshot, there are plenty ways to get a screenshot of your screen and then report the player
I have come across a large amount of players who, even though I have gone through how to report someone for around 15 minutes and linked them to helpful threads, still do not know how to report people. When someone tells me someone is being rude through PM, I ask them to report it on the forums. If they do not know how to do that, that's when Social Spy comes in handy.
I'm also going to point out that invading somebody's privacy through socialspy when you have been demoted is not actually punishable. We should definitely change that.
I can recall you saying: "The things you read in socialspy". So how is this a pro if it is mostly abused? If it is a pro just implement it globally. Support.
No support. Personally I feel if you've nothing to hide you wouldn't mind us viewing your messages. Besides, 50% of the time we couldn't be bothered of what socialspy has to show. I only use it to see who are using /m ** or advertising or spamming others.
No support, social spy is used for their help. They are not using it to snoop in to your conversations.