Absolutely NO support, This is your second moderator applicaton and your immature and like I said before if you want respect EARN it. If you think you should be more respected than a player just because you report lots of hackers that wont work out very well :p Many other people report lots of hackers they dont ask for more respect than another player. THB I feel you take this server for granted.
http://i.gyazo.com/030c1a2adc43cdcca3e0bdec08c9f7e4.gif First of all.. *Proof* and umm yeah no support.
Lmfao, I have been smokin too much, because I've never been high enough to see this amount of stupidity in 192 words.
No support. Off-topic, I find it quite funny how you voted '100% Mod Proff' on your own poll... What the hell is Proff?
The fact you made an application- just for the poll results, shows the stupidity and immaturity that you have, I would rate the mod app dumb if I could. No support lol