Hey everyone, Since the ender pearl countdown was added pvping has not been the same. Recently I was lagging on kitpvp whilst being chased. I enderpearled to spawn then missed. I died because I had to wait to use another ender pearl. This is getting very irritating. Let me know what you think, Genius (Maki)
No support. It would hinder the chance at getting a kill. What if you are about to kill someone and they spam enderpearls?
No Support The reason being you don't spam pearls just to live and since the Enchantment called Depth Strider it helps out so when you about to die just run in the water or what I use to do when I played KitPvP I use to bow boost to get out
No support Like everyone else said, you can spam epearls. Which makes it harder to get a kill. It's still hard even with the cooldown because of pearling into spawn.