Hey guys! Unsalty here! This is the remember when contest! How to play: The object of this contest is to submit a short "remember when....(your message about MV) The top three "Remember When" submissions will get up to 3k on their choice gamemode. The top three winners will be judged by me. Example : Remember When....you could get away with anything on Mineverse? Any other comments will not be accepted for the contest
remember when the tryhard pvp username format was xXblahblah_blahXx and <randomcrap>PVP instead of <Someirrelevantword>ing and I<peeveepeeverb>You<equallygaypvpverb>
Lol. Mineverse used to be so fun but without players its just not as fun. Also when they reset half the gamemodes I got to lazy to start over so I have cruddy homes and stuff xD
Remember when there were so many kids on creative making strip clubs and roleplay- no wait that's still a thing, or is it? idrk i kinda lost hope of the server and left so i'm not up to date
Lmao I totally remember that. All the little 8 year olds longing for a gf and getting so desperate they make strip clubs
Remember when Mineverse wasn't so low they put ads on every space that didn't have their name on it? I don't