Hello, My name is stealthbomber320 and I am a God rank on mineverse. factions is my favorite gamemode but there are a few problems since the reset and some things about the gamemode that should be changed. Here are a few problems: 1. Mobs at spawn. I went afk at spawn to eat lunch and I came back and I died from a skeleton. -_- 2. let us be able to sell wood and cobble and crops at warp shop. its annoying when I make a sugarcane farm and then see that I cant even sell it. 3. claim spawn as a safeszone so no-one can /f autoclaim it! it allows people to advertise and take 30% less damage. Advertise because when u go into their land it shows they /f desc 4. there is almost never a moderator on. I think Cypriot should make someone a mod who want to moderate factions/opfactions for their 2 gamemodes. Thank you for your time. I hope Cypriotmerks or Noobcrew will see this so that the changes can be made to have a better and stronger Mineverse community. Thanks again, Stealth