Evidence is kept private. The report section of the forums is only accessible my staff members. Therefore he cannot put the evidence out in the public.
Evidence is not bound to the report section, it can have many locations including public threads, profile comments, conversations and specific forum branches for ranks, all up to the staff member's choice. Soul may do want he wants with the evidence, keeping it private between him and his banned player is the best option. I think you should know how things work before saying that showing evidence, evidence that certain staff own the rights to is disallowed. With the quite new change of only letting staff and report/ban appeal owners view the threads in ban appeals and reports is nice, it blocks comments and ratings from unrelated personals, but it does not mean that the evidence of one's actions, the evidence used in the reports and or ban appeals has been blocked by rules. The owner has the right to show people of his choice, including large amounts of people.
I HAD evidence of him being bia ages ago like when he first started, but I cannot use that now as it is out of date. :(
Don't know who I am going with, but I'm just going to show Lions trigger-bot. :P Him hacking in the lobby.
Thing is this was when Zero asked me to go to the 10 second Rimu's click test, and my old router had parents restriction. So i needed to enter a password for every time I go onto a new site. Parents weren't here, and I told him to listen to the sound of my clicks. Also so your saying its enough to get me banned, just because you think it was the best time. when you didn't even know the situation.. so your just going to take that chance, and just try using that to get me banned. lol rofl.