@Recognizedmmo or whatever his new forums name is, is a biased mod. He is @lionbdcraft BESTFRIEND in real life. @Elric care to say anything?
zDDosed, the person who got banned by @xSoulHero on OP-PvP asked me to help him with a staff report. I've known lionbdcraft for quite a while and I know for a fact that xSoulHero and lionbdcraft know each other in real life. I have nothing against either of them, I dislike when moderators are biased. Of course, this does not deserve a demotion but of course, I'd like one of the moderators to teach him more about ban appeals and reports ect. I'd like @xSoulHero to provide the evidence which zDDoSed got banned for, remember though, I've only seen this from zDDoSed's perspective, I do not know the full story, I am simply trying to help.
He probably learned his lesson. If he didn't, action will be taken to ensure this doesn't happen anymore.
Of course I lack the information of what happened exactly. But I just have a few things to say. A lot of the time when I have seen biased mods it is more to do with being afraid to take action. Sometimes it is because they are too trusting of someone. Finally the most obvious is that they do not know how to separate mod work and friendships. In the case of in real life, there could be a fear of backlash or issue from the friend. Again since i have no idea what happened it is just something to consider in general. I do hope the staff team will discuss this and help out their team member and learn further from this.
Unfortunately, most of the mods here are terribly biased. Also, I hear from multiple sources that eleven year olds have been accepted as mods. The blind are leading the blind, its madness!
Age doesn't prove anything. Take @MrParkourGuy and @fryzigg - they were and are good mods. The co owner has stated numerous times that age isn't and never will be a factor in his decision. In all fairness, Minecraft consists of mostly kids, 11/12 year olds. If someone is capable of doing the job and is mature enough I don't see why they shouldn't be able to take the position.
Well I don't have that bec I blocked him on my Skype. so I have no proof about the ddos but he haves been banned 4 times for hacks on OPFACTIONS.
This entire statement is completely untrue. I know nothing about this situation, but I know that Rec/Soul would never be bias on purpose. He is a very mature and helpful person, and I just don't see him purposely leaning toward one side in an argument.
I understand and I've only seen zDDoSed's side of the story, but coming from him, it seems extremely unfair.
I get what youre saying, but I cant seem to wrap my head around such young people being mods... you wouldnt hire an eleven year old to babysit your ten year old, right? It the same thing in my book. In not saying its impossible, but a mature eleven year old is still an eleven year old.
In that situation, they are of equal power. But here, the 11 year old mod has more power then the 10 year old player. The 11 year old got mid because he is mature enough for the job.
I read this again, and Agent is right. You go straight from "they are friends" to "he is biased". No where in between do you explain how the two relate.