Hey everyone! After going to @Alex's TBH and felt like a cool person, I decided to make a TBH thread myself! I don't really need to say much because almost everyone knows what TBH (To be honest) means so lets get started! Actually, I might also do a voice TBH as well because it's SOO much better to just say what you think of everyone rather than just typing it down. I'm still thinking about it though, so I might not do the voice TBH.
Where should I begin?? Well, you're really friendly on both forums and in-game, and you are a great friend. You do a great job of being a Moderator and I know that you can keep the hard work for a long time. We should get to talk more often so then we have a stronger bond that we already have. <3 I don't really know you much, but I see you around the forums and you seem like a really cool person. I hope that we can get to know each other and chat around the forums. I don't get why you have to be so rude and mean to me when I'm just trying to be friends with you so we don't have to fight. Maybe some day we can stop this chaos and be mates to each other. You're really nice on Infection and on forums, and you seem really cool, though we don't really talk. We should talk more often because I think you would be an awesome guy to hang out with.
You're so nice and really fun to play and chat with. We are great friends and I love it when I see that user tag anywhere on the server, like it's a really cool name! I can't say I know everything about you, but maybe soon I can get to know a lot of things about you. HAI BAE!! Seriously, I think you're the most positive and optimistic person on this server, and I don't think you have any enemies at ALL. You're an amazing quote buddy, and we always make a great team on Infection. I know you have a open moderator application, and I just wish that you would get promoted soon, because you're so kind, loving, helpful, and positive to everyone on the server! <3 Ily everyone <3
Elrak if you came on this thread just to expect some positive feedback about you, fine. You're a really cool guy, but should be a cool and nice guy.
http://vocaroo.com/i/s1VECg5mJ21u (Soz for bad voice, microphone is crap as.. :/ And again, soz for the breathing, the microphone was a bit too close so yeah. I suck at recording)
You did an amazing job on my part. Your voice and the way you say about me is awesome We should chat more often. PM me and we can meet in Survival tomorrow And yeah, maybe someday, I might get promoted to becoming a mod. Thanks for everything