yo so gonna do this because it's 9:38PM and I am bored so enjoy learning my life. 100 stuffs about Reborn 1. Real name: Ranveer. Not mentionin' last name weirdos. 2. Nickname: Reborn, Wolf, Rocky. 3. Favorite color: azure blue, pastel colours 4. Gender: male 5. Nationality: i guess Indian, but i'm more aussie. 6. Age: 12 7. Sexuality: straight 8. Introvert or Extrovert: introvert 9. Hair color: dark brown 10. Tall or short: average for my age 11. Sweats or jeans: both tbh 12. Phone or camera: phone forever 13. Health freak: i guess so 14. Orange or apple: apple 15. Do you have a crush on someone: ya irl 16. Guy friends or girl friends: people who are nice to me are friends. that's all 17. Piercings: ew no 18. Pepsi or coke: coke is og 19. Have you been in an airplane and how many times: once 20. Have you been in a relationship: mhm 21. Have you been in a car accident: mhm 22. Have you been in a fist fight: play fist fight, yeah 23. First piercing: ew 24. Best Friend: ask then bff forever 25. First award: a sticker at preschool, it was glitterful 26. First crush: this girl. 27. First word: "buh-ba" 28. Any talent: dog whisperin' 29. Last person you talked to: my dog. 30. Last person you texted: my friend. 31. Last person you watched a movie with: my brothers 32. Last thing you ate: KFC. legit. 33. Last movie/ TV show you watched: Megamind, at school. 34. Last song you listened to: XO by The EDEN project 35. Last thing you bought: kfc.. 36. Last person animal you hugged: my dog. ☾ Favorite ☽ 37. Food: tacos 38. Drink: iced tea 39. Fruit: mango 40. Flower: cherry blossoms 41. Animal: doggo 42. Color: blue 43. Movie: Spirited away 44. Subject: food tech 45. Sport: tennis 46. Sports Team: ew 47. Book: Percy Jackson 48. City: Sydney ftw 49. Country: Australia mate 50. Song: all songs that the EDEN project have created. ☾ Have you ever? (Answer Yes or No) ☽ 45. Fallen in love with someone: mhm/yes 46. Celebrated Halloween: mhm/yes 47. Had your heart broken: a lot/yes 48. Went over the minutes/ texts on your phone: yep/yes 49. Had someone like you: yes, many tiem/yes 50. Hated the way someone changed: one time/yes 51. Got in trouble with police: nup/no 52. Had a party: ye/yes 53. Did something you regret: ofc/yes 54. Broken a promise: sadly/yes 55. Hidden a secret: ya/yes 56. Pretend to be happy: ja/yes 57. Met someone who has changed your life: yep/yes 58. Pretended to be sick: srrsly? no 59. Left the country: yep, on vacation doe/yes 60. Tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it: probs/yes 61. Cried over the silliest thing: movies be like/yes 62. Ran a mile: yep/yes 63. Gone to the beach with your best friend: yep/yes 64. Gotten into an argument with your friends: yes, some resulting in losin' em 65. Disliked someone: nah, I just dislike the things they do./no 66. Stayed single for two years since the first time you had a bf/gf or been single forever: too complicated so ye/idk ☾ Currently ☽ 67. Eating: KFC 68. Drinking: Pepsi 69. Listening to: End credits - EDEN 70. Sitting or laying: Sittin 71. Plans for today: sleep 72. Waiting for: doggo to go in kennel 73. Want kids: yes 74. Want to get married: i guess 75. Want to travel: who wouldn't? ☾ What do you look for in a partner? ☽ 76. Lips or eyes: eyes 77. Shorter or taller: shorter 78. Younger or older: younger 79. Romantic or spontaneous: romantic 80. Trouble-maker or hesitant: neither, I want someone in le middle 81. Hook up or relationship: relationship omg 82. Looks or personality: personality ☾ Have you ever ☽ 83. Lost glasses: hell no 84. Snuck out of the house: one time, coz I had to walk doggo but no permission 85. Held a gun/ knife in self-defense: no 86. Killed somebody: wtf yes. no. no.. 87. Broke someone's heart: lez say I dumped someone who loved me too much 88. Been in love: yes 89. Cried when someone died: mhm ;( ☾ Do you believe in ☽ 90. Yourself: believe in ur dreams!! (yes) 91. Miracles: i guess 92. Love at first sight: nah 93. Heaven: ye 94. Santa Claus: he died. 95. Aliens: we aren't le only ones 96. Ghosts/angels: spirits ye sure ☾ Truthfully ☽ 97. Is there one person you really want to be with right now: yes, but they at other highschool and i cri everytiem 98. Do you know who your real friends are: yes i do 99. Do you believe in God: of course 100. Do you easily make friends: yeah, i'm loyal u see yay I'm done, hope you enjoyed knowing my life stuffs. doggo out.
Dw, I already know it. I know you that much. I've been in one like eight times now. Our airport gives kids cheap flights around the county. I'm imagining you doing a big WWE thing with pillows rn. Congratulations! mhmm tell us more about "this girl". You should text your dog. $5 combo is amazing right? That's my bro Omg start a conversation with me Percy Jackson & The Olympians is my favorite series. <3 And I was not invited? O_o Woah bro how many high schools does Sydney need?
Kfc.. Mhmm mhmm. Tacos.. Uh huh uh huh. I feel like I know you... *looks in the mirror* Omg.. Are you like my twin.. Ily
One of my mates b'day parties was also a crazy sleepover thing so basically half the class were at the party, and a half of that amount participated in the sleepover. This was about 5-6 kids, so yeah foights for days tyvm She's pretty, smart, and we're good friends. @JerryOMG would know amirite? I'm considering that so ty for the advice I just eat a Zinger, chips and pepsi can so idek I wanted to, but it wasn't my b'day party. a lot. one of universes greatest mysteries. oh noes I'm exposed help me o' Doggo Lord who's he again? i kid no hurt plz because I thought I loved her as well but it turned out I didn't.
taggin' some peeps that won't be interested~ @Discdog1000 @Secunda @Jenn @IncaMiyuki @Calli @Dory @Reborn if I forgot you, it was because you ain't worth being in my life. I'm joking, it's because I'm tired, sick from a fever+flu+sore throat and can't think straight.
I'm hanging out in Sydney with my homies @Elric, @Electric_ and @Surge ;p I think @Auzzi as well but idek
Perthie, all alone. I currently don't know anyone from MV who lives in Perth ;( Do you accept me as a Nyan moose?
no I don't accept you as a Nyan moose, flee now. be gone. bye farewell bye felicia au revoir I'm jokin ily I'm a boy.. When I am old enough to get married, I will of course have a spouse younger than me I don't like the chicken wings, I only eat Zinger and stuffs like that
it was actually on this thread, I released someones info when they didn't give permission :( but hey it was meant to be a month ban, and I got unbanned in 2-3 days because I appealed so it's all g