Well, lets start from the important stuff first. You need to meet the requirements: 50 Post Count (No) Two Factor Authentication - Click here to set up 2FA. (No) 2 Weeks registered on the Mineverse forums (No) Moderators are required to have Skype or Teamspeak 3 for offline communication. (I don't know, do you have either of these?) Failure to follow the requirements will have your application ignored. This is a requirement, so I suggest you set it up ;). Expand on that. What traits do you have that would help you with your job, if you get it? Helpful? Mature? Add an average. 2-10 seems unlikely, and its not very great if one day you are on for 2 hours, then 10 hours. Players need to know when to find you. No, you don't. You need 2FA enabled and Skype/Teamspeak. You also need to be on the forums for at least 2 weeks and have at least 50 messages. Again, this is a mod app, not a builder app. Are you really 16? - work on your grammar and punctuation. So far, I have never really seen you in-game or forums. Help out more forums and in-game. Sorry if I sound rude or ignorant, just trying to help. Good Luck!
Don't meet the requirements ;;-; http://www.mineverse.com/threads/two-factor-authentication-extra-account-security.64622/
You do not meet the requirements to apply for moderator. While you meet the 2 weeks requirement, you do not have 50 posts. You need 38 more posts. You have 48 hours to meet the requirements or your application will be closed. Also, please do not attempt to post farm (posting many messages in a short amount of time) or action will be taken.
Survival is dead. You need to be known on OpPvp or KitPvp. or maybe Prison :/ No Support because your report does not look attractive neither explains your traits and what you believe in that can help you become a mod, I don't know who you are, you don't meet the requirements. Good Luck :P