Welcome! So, I'm assuming since you clicked on this thread, you want to be a moderator! Well, you're in luck because today I am going to teach you everything you need to know to become the most qualified applicant! This is going to be a long guide, so grab a pillow and some Cheez-Its. Table of Contents -Attitude- -Application- -Relationships- Attitude Welcome to the first part of this detailed yet simple guide! In this section, I will be explaining to you the importance of your attitude and how to improve upon it. Everyone loses their temper sometimes. It's easier over the internet because players seem to think they can say whatever they want to you. All you have to do to control your anger is compromise/work with the player. Don't instantly jump to conclusions and argue with them. Try talking the issue out and eventually, you may be able to make amends. This is an important thing to remember because no server wants a mod that argues with all the players. Your attitude towards any player affects you as an applicant greatly. It is very important to be mature. Make sure that you avoid talking to players in any way that may offend them. It may not seem like a big deal now, but little things are still offensive. Here's a list of some things you should avoid saying: -ez -rekt -haxor -get banned -nub -noob -scrub -recorded -get good -so bad and anything else that anyone may take the slightest bit of offense too. Also, try to keep conversation clean and on topic. Your attitude towards moderators is especially important because you will actually be working with us in the future. All of us staff treat each other and every member of Mineverse with great respect. We work very cooperatively and it is extremely important that we get along well, so keep this in mind. I'm not saying that you should bow down to us, but respect our decisions. This goes for all players of Mineverse too. Speaking of your attitude towards staff... Well, I don't want this to sound too harsh, but it is important. No admin/server owner wants a (sorry for lack of better words) suck-up for a mod. So, I highly recommend that you don't say,"Wow! It is such an honor to meet you! You are my king! I bow down to you!" to Cypriot or Noobcrew. If you have a different opinion than them, don't change it or say anything like,"Sorry, my opinion is wrong. You are my master forever." Application Now this section is going to cover a lot so make sure your brain has enough room to absorb it all! In this part of the guide, I will be covering everything you need to know about the application itself. First of all, fill out the format. This is your literal first step to success. It's simple and easy so just.. do it. Here's the format now: How old are you? Your in-game name: What timezone are you in? What country do you live in? What languages do you speak? Why do you think you should become a mod? How long can you be active on the server everyday? How long have you been playing Mineverse? Have you ever been banned in the past? Do you have any past experience as a moderator? Which two servers would you like to moderate? (Recommended pick the two servers you play the most) It is literally eleven extremely simple questions, so just please fill it out. I cannot stress this enough. Now, let's cover the writing itself. Many players (including myself) like to add characteristics. It adds a lot to your application and let's everyone get a feel for who you are and what you can do for our server. Some very common ones include: -Honest -Responsible -Mature -Respectful -Active -Dedicated These are all important and I recommend putting them in your application. Now, hopefully you haven't gotten the wrong idea. You don't just write random characteristics that you possess. Write the trait, explain why you think you possess it, and then give an example of you expressing it. Another popular tactic used in many applications is a supporter count. This let's everyone know how many people support you. It is helpful because it shows whether or not you are liked and respected in our community. Each time someone comments "Support" on your app, it means they like you and your application and they hope that you are promoted. Organization is also very important. Please revise your application and make sure that if you have a spacing pattern that it is consistent. If you have a color scheme, it should be correct. Color is a great addition to your application if you have the time. It makes everything look nice and neat. I recommend using one color for the questions and another color for the answers (that's what a color scheme is). I also highly recommend bolding the questions. This makes the app easier to read and helps differentiate the questions from the answers. Next on the list is detail. I honestly cannot stress this enough. It is very important that you take a lot of time on this application. Personally, when I applied, I wrote the whole thing on Pages and worked on it for over a week before I pasted it into a thread. You should spend the most time on the question "Why do you think you should become a mod". Link to my application: http://www.mineverse.com/threads/usa-savvys-moderator-application-kitpvp-infection.48880/ Relationships To start off this last section of the guide, I'd like to remind you that your connections and relationships with other players is very important. If everyone on the server hates you, you will be very stressed out and depressed as staff member. So, becoming friends and becoming liked/respected is very important. As a current staff member of Mineverse, I am well aware of the hatred that comes my way. Not everyone is going to like you, which is why it is nice to have friends to watch your back and make you feel better. This section was short, but key to becoming staff. Conclusion Well, that's going to conclude this guide. Hopefully you learned enough to get you on your way! If there is anything else you need help with, please PM me. Note: This will soon be pinned to Moderator Applications section.
Savvy, you're such an eZ noob, I rekt u all day nub. Get good scrub, you're so bad. I recorded u haxoring so get banned. <3 I jk bby ily Like that? :t:
blah blah blah it honestly just comes down to cyp making the decision he's promoted people who haven't followed your "road to moderator" and did quite well. Its basically a game of chance and cyp's the game keeper and were the pawns you don't get to control you get controlled.
Can't even stress how many times this guide has been made... I've said half of these things to players. (as jokes, of course). Don't get me wrong- it's offensive when you mean it, but you're allowed to have some fun. Its what makes moderating moderating. Teach some of your fellow moderators that and I'll be satisfied. Overall, however, I really appreciate you making this, I see you've put a lot of time into it.
If you guys want to fight, please do it privately. Deleting all off-topic messages and please stop flaming.