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  • Read, I know you are reading this Thread Title so just read it.

    Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by TheElderlyReaper, Dec 8, 2015.

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    1. TheElderlyReaper

      TheElderlyReaper Experienced Member

      Dec 24, 2013
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      Hey guys, its Readpurple here, and today I want to share you that will make your mind = blown. Ready? I SAID ARE YOU READY? I CAN'T HEAR YOU!? Oh... you weren't talking this whole time... kappa...

      Anyways, are you ready anyways? Yes? Kay.
      Here in my garage, just ugh, bought this new Lamborghini here. Fun to drive up here in the Hollywood Hills, but you know what I like a lot more than materialistic things? Knowledge. In fact, i'm a lot more proud of these 7 new bookshelves I had to get installed to hold 2,000 new books I bought. It's like, the billionaire, Warren Buffet says, the more you learn, the more you earn.

      Want something that will also Mind = Blown you?
      A is B, but, to get to B to A we must figure out a the difference and the difference between B and A is that B and A is really just 1 and 2. So 1-2 = -1, but how do we translate that -1 into a letter? You take -1 plus A - B and multiply A to B and add 2 but really B so B + B and also add the A so B + B + A you get what? Once you figured it out, take B and A find the square root of both letters and remove the first digit in the letter but add 2 - 1 = 1 so 1 - -2 = -1 and -1 - -2 = ? Take that number and just, aw forget it, I'm going to have a teaparty, bye.

      Now, do you want something amazing?
      Do you really want it? Like want it, really really bad?
      Do you want it? Want something so amazing?
      Okay, I'll show you what this amazing thing you want...
      Deez Nuts
    2. ItsSniiper

      ItsSniiper Boss Member

      Feb 5, 2014
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      My brain hurts
    3. sircorgi

      sircorgi Boss Member

      Nov 28, 2014
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      Thanks for killing my brain man.
    4. TheElderlyReaper

      TheElderlyReaper Experienced Member

      Dec 24, 2013
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      HAHAHA, you prob just read these 3 comments, and you are still reading it, stop reading it, I said stop. .-.

      It's funny how the brain doesn't
      register the second the.
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