I'll give you a strong 8, Ben. 9/10 Hannah, :') 10/10, cause we bro's, init. Another strong 8 for you, MJ. Best of luck with your moderator application, too! :D Elrak, you get that 8/10 rating, if you were still your old self, probably a 2/10, but you're honestly a really cool guy now. Well done! Ouch, 10/10's are hard to come by. Though, you did score 10.10 on my test. So, you can have a 8 for that. I'll be giving you a 4/10, purely because I don't see too much of you around here. 7/10. We've had our ups and downs, but they are in the past. You're pretty chill though Hey, hey Fadei. 7/10 for you, dude. Oh damn... 10/10 Rodeen. No questions. 8/10. We don't really talk and I've probably disappointed you for obvious reasons (Obvious for me and you, I guess) - I would have given you a 7, but I bumped it to 8 because of your FanFic of Pony. :P AH, Larry (I know that's not your real name) - 9/10. You are so fun, but totally should talk more ;) 5/10, haven't overly talked to you, not too sure if I ever have? You've done a few things here and there around the forums though. 9/10 Thomas. You're a good guy, chill af. Chin up though, aye? 4/10, based off the fact that my only encounter with you is that of a me possibly being able to upgrade you. 10/10 Steve. You've been an awesome friend to be, and your accent is sweet, though I wish it was stronger :P 8/10 Billy. You occasionally have your annoying spells, but you're a good kid, known you for quite a long time now.