I edited my previous rates 6/10 Reason: I don't really know you but I've seen you and you seem nice 7/10 Reason: we used to be friends but we haven't talked in a long time 7/10 Reason: we haven't talked that much but i consider you a friend 7/10 Reason: we haven't really interacted but you seem great 5/10 Reason: you can be nice & mean when you want to be so neutral 1/10 Reason: never heard of you and you're banned 10/10 Reason: you're great 8/10 Reason: we're not 'friends' but we've talked a little bit and you're really nice 7/10 Reason: same as Scorvix 6/10 Reason: used to be friends but not rly anymore and ya 4/10 Reason: i've never talked to you but ik who you are