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  • rant

    Discussion in 'Rant Archive' started by jtbrothers, Jun 21, 2016.

    1. jtbrothers

      jtbrothers Experienced Member

      Oct 26, 2015
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      IMMA be rude so if u can't handle rude bye

      I'm honestly so confused why this server changed so much it used to have more people tbh. At least all of my actual friends were. They all quit bc they're done with this server. I almost quit but then 50$ goes nowhere. It's just so annoying how change can be so bad like some are good but things like the infection reset. Literally my friend was going to come back but he quit. Literally feels like this server is targeting me just like everyone in this server. I am so done with being based on my old self when I changed. Sure I changed in a bad way but if your gonna rant to me on the past do it on my grave. If you hate me for this then call a mod to close it I'm just being honest with a server I thought was amazing. Until life happened
    2. MC_Whispers

      MC_Whispers Active Member

      Feb 22, 2015
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      That's nice honey, now go back to doing your homework and THEN maybe you can play some good old minceraft.

      EDIT: You used literally roughly 5 times when other inputs would have sufficed. Please learn to spoken

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