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  • Rant about everything Mineverse

    Discussion in 'Rant Archive' started by JazzMagic, Jun 9, 2017.

    1. JazzMagic

      JazzMagic Experienced Member

      Sep 17, 2014
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      Disclosure: This is going to be a super long thread, so if you really want to read it, then good luck. I'm trying to be as polite as possible when I make the following comments, and anything in this thread can very well be taken as a suggestion to fix, and if this rant gets something done, then I'll be proud. And remember that this is only my opinion, so treat as so.

      General Mineverse and Forums

      Lag: Probably the most obviously problem on this server, while it has got better, and some game modes are better than others. The lag can still be issue in terms of PvP and the hit detection on the PvP game modes can be very awful at times. There are a few ways to fix this, but it will fall in with the other problems, thus I will explain them more in detail later.

      Hacking: On the PvP servers hacking is very common and is uncontrollable, literally. It takes hours for staff to ban them and there is no effective way to keep them off the server because ban evading is ridiculously easy. There are well-known donators who hack on their alts, and that just isn't right. The server should definitely invest in a better anti-cheat because Mineverse has been notorious for hackers for the past four years.

      Staff: A lot of you are going to get salty about this, which is an issue on here, but I will elaborate on that in a second. There are three things about the staff that really gets on my nerves. One, they rely on reports and reports only to get hackers and other rule breakers banned, and this is a really bad practice. It can take hours for a report to be handled at times. Staff should make more of an effort to look out on servers, especially PvP servers to find, record, and ban hackers and other rule breakers. There are instances where hackers can hack for days without getting found by staff because they're not on to catch them and people simply do not report them.

      Now the second issue, some of them are incredibly biased to their friends. This does not have to be punishment wise, and this isn't even an abuse of power either. Moderators (that I noticed) tend to cater to their friends and talk to them and help them out more than the rest of the server. I will elaborate on this later, but there is a small group of popular people on the server that get picked for moderator and ultimately they control the server and make it more enjoyable for them. Again, NOT all mods are like this, and I appreciate those who aren't biased and don't come from that small group.

      Lastly, there is corruption in staff, and it was exposed by TADS and he got demoted for it, go figure. Like I said, moderators are chosen from a small group of people, and they control the server. It is not necessarily the most qualified people at times that get the promotions, and even when someone that gets mod without being in that group, they're not heard and they are often disregarded compared to the rest of the staff team.

      Community: This is probably the thing that bothers me the most about Mineverse and it's so pervasive I'm surprised that I don't see people really fight it. So like I said earlier, there is a small group of popular people, for the sake of time, I'll refer them to the "elites". These are the people on the forums with the highest post counts, positive ratings, and trophy points. Almost all the premiums are in this pool of people and also most of the mods as I said earlier. They are the ones who gets their suggestions accepted, gets loved by all the staff and owners, and are actually paid attention to by all of the server.

      This is bound to happen anywhere and I understand that, but that is not the thing that bothers me the most. The thing is, if you not part of the elites, you can forget applying for mod, making a suggestion, and messing around on the forums. I already elaborated a lot on the applying for mod, and there is going to be a section on that.

      About the suggestions though, I've made many suggestions that succeeded on other servers and are outside the box. Every single suggestion I've made on the forums has been critizied, not supported, and ultimately roasted for a lack of a better term. That is all fine, but I see these elite members making the same or similar suggestions and everyone falling in love with it and supporting it. The same thing, but posted by two different members with different results, there's obviously a problem here. I also see the same thing happen to other members of the community, this is simply unacceptable and unbelievable. And on the topic of suggestions, the community should be more open-minded generally.

      The elites also mess around on the server, making the stupidest threads ever, and everyone goes with it and has a jolly good time, which is honestly not bad. Mineverse is about having fun, and if that's fun then go for it. The problem is, if a nonelite member posts a "stupid" thread, the thread gets hate from the elites, and their followers and probably get closed by the staff for disobeying the rules. Some of these are closed for good reason, but again, different treatment for different groups of people, simply unacceptable.

      Applying for Moderator: This ties with my problem with the community but this is kinda different, I'll start off by stating the flaws with the application process.

      The biggest issue with applying itself is the expectations to become a moderator. The requirements to actually apply are so small compared to what you actually need to be even considered for the position. No one gets mod with 50 posts, rarely 500 posts even. They also need to report over 50 people at least, which there's no physical requirement for reports. Heck, the darn application needs COLOR?! I'm sorry but what the Donald Duck, freaking color. It doesn't make a difference, and along with the things that matter, it allows the Elites to get mod. On the topic of elites exposes another issue, and that issue is the community gets almost full power on who gets mod compared to the other applicants. This gives Elites a huge advantage over everyone else.

      Think about this, they get constant supports, their applications get many replies which helps, and along with that, they do not need to constantly bump their thread, so this saves them the trouble of looking bad. As long as this application process is like this, then the same Elites will get moderator on the server.

      Chat Rules: When a person gets banned for saying something that they don't mean in chat, you know you have a problem. Even if they do mean it, still a problem. I understand that these people need punishment, but bans are excessive for a chat related offenses. /mute is a thing, people, USE IT! (I also understand mods simply can't switch this up, so crew and cyp do something) .

      Also, it's the internet, people are s here, it's annoying, but it's a thing. People need to stop getting so hurt by s, the best way to fight it is not to react at all. When people react to it, it gets worse.

      Mineverse's chat plugin is more bad than good, it filters words that aren't that bad. It gives you annoying warnings when you send two chats within a second, and on some game modes you can't even use the same command two times in a row. It needs to be taken out because people can EASILY pass the filter, and it is an annoyance to people who obey the chat rules (I disagree with them, but I still obey them) .

      Other: Night vision takes away from the maps in my opinion, especially in the lobby where it is supposed to be space themed. I understand that night vision helps with visibility, but I was just fine without it.

      Forums seem to go down like once or twice a month, and can be for hours at a time, just a small annoyance.

      Try to find a way to honor all people who vote everyday, not only the 5 people who vote at 7PM EST on the last day of a month.

      Fix the glitch where you don't get voting rewards on a few game modes unless you're on it specifically.

      And I'm not done yet, I'm just getting started....
      Last edited: Jun 9, 2017
    2. JazzMagic

      JazzMagic Experienced Member

      Sep 17, 2014
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      Bed Wars, Hunger Games, Hell block, and Towny

      Simply, get rid of these game modes, they are taking up money to pay for them each month. Getting rid of these four game modes will lower the server bill every month and the money saved can be invested into things like more ram for PvP servers and a new anti-cheat. These game modes are broken beyond repair, or are just not popular anymore, and I think it is just time to say good bye to these game modes.

      Kit PvP

      The Divide: Ever since the new Kit PvP came out, the game mode has been divided and this causes there to be less competition and thus people leave the server because Kit PvP was once the most popular server on here. I think there should only be one Kit PvP gamemode and I think /kitpvp2 should stay because it is more popular than the other. I do think the new Kit PvP is built better and the reset was very well needed, keeping Kit PvP 2 was a huge mistake and all the hard work going into the new update was a waste of time and resources.

      Allow splash potions to work: Right now there is no really reliable way to heal yourself on here except regen potions which don't do much, healing potions that you have to drink from the tempest kit, which does nothing, golden apples which can be costly, and /heal which is the most reliable way, but it makes it pay to win. Splash healing potions are common, and would make fights more interesting and fun, instead of the minute and run fights when you have the best gear.


      - Add another rank (like commander) with diamond armor

      - Restrict people from ender pearling into spawn

      - Make certain things cheaper like golden apples

      - Sell more things like enchantments and regen pots

      Factions (General)

      Factions plugin: It is honestly too confusing and has a lot of elements that are not needed. FactionsUUID is a good plugin even though it costs money, it is worth it. Another problem is that power regens way too slowly so it discourages PvP for the fear of losing a base, it can also restrict the building of said base, I'm sure this can be adjusted in config though.

      Raiding: Probably the best thing about factions is flawed here, with the obsidian breaker being broken (if there's even one), making an unraidable base is super easy, and I'm not sure if this is still a thing, but you can't open chests in others territory, if that's the case, that needs to be changed, because it makes raiding impossible.

      McMMO: Many of you are going to disagree with me here, but I think combat McMMO is too overpowered and should be removed. First even with a cap, people can grind the skill and make themselves nearly impossible to beat because they can deal a lot of damage and break your armor with axes, and can steal your weapon with disarm. It can also drops my frames when someone enables it, making it impossible to fight for 3 seconds. I'm fine with noncombat McMMO, but whenever I see a server with combat McMMO, it is an automatic turndown for me.

      Things specific to Regular Factions:

      - Crates are bad on here, and there are only voter crates

      - Removal of kits almost makes this unplayable in terms of PvP

      - There isn't much to do

      Things specific to OP Factions:

      - Mob boss is broken and laggy

      - Quests are broken

      - Moon is pointless

      - Some useless stuff in crates (like TNT)


      Since I don't have much experience on survival on here, please read this thread from someone with actual experience on that game mode: https://www.mineverse.com/threads/survival-please-reset.77930/

      Sky Wars

      Shop: The prices for everything used to be good in my opinion, because the items in shop are one the only unique features on all of Mineverse, and they can make games fun, and I never found them way to overpowered because anyone can obtain them, and winning is not hard without these items. It got even better when players got rewarded for kills and wins. The system was messed up when the owners decided to jack up the prices of most things especially the unique things. Now it's even harder for those with little money to win, and those with thousands of dollars will win even more. Something that is good shouldn't be messed with in the first place. (Except god apples, they should be removed) .

      Maps: Most maps don't have issue, but the few that do, are a pain to play. Maps such as the color clay and snow map (with house in the middle) are bad because they do not give the player a lot of items. Heck, on the snow map, there is an island without a chest! This makes the issue that most people have /shop even worse, which caused the owners to change it for the worse. Also, the islands on all the maps are too small, you can easily be knocked off of them, and close combat is just who can click faster at that point.


      - Parkour was taken out [​IMG] :(

      - "/shop :" is a thing where /shop can be used in the lobby

      - Games can take forever to start

      - At times you cannot use /kit skyknight


      Plugin: Overall the new plugin adds a lot of good things, but the config in it does not allow you to interact with another plot in terms of using levers, buttons, doors, and etc. Taking this away took some of the fun away from creative, because some people built their plots for people to enter (with a door) and to interact with it and enjoy it that way.

      Community: It honestly pisses me off when people complain about what people do on creative. Of course, I don't agree with what these people like to do with their time, but creative is called creative for a reason. I don't find it useful to complain and prosecute those who do things like "skin competitions", "role plays, and even "mc sex", as long if they stay in /p chat, I think it should be fine. I don't think it's good for them to do that, but it doesn't say anything against it in chat, and moderately advertising these things in chat should be fine too.


      - Don't restrict certain blocks like water (I'd like to use water in my plot but can't)

      - Allow people to spawn in heads

      - Allow PvP in creative (in /gm 0)

      - Add all the old commands back


      The Balance: The balance is so bad in Infection since they gave zombies sharp 20 bows and they took away donator kits. Basically, if someone spends a good amount of time on infection, they will destroy new players and cause them to leave. I believe if anyone should have a SLIGHT advantage, it should be the humans, because the point is to be swarmed by zombies in order to die, you shouldn't lose a 1v1 to a zombie, and winning would bring a more positive outlook on the gamemode instead of losing all the time which brings a really negative imagine to the game mode.

      Maps: The maps also favor the zombies because they can shoot humans in the only hiding places in the map, and all safe places can easily be accessed by the brain eating zombies. Not all the maps are like this, but the maps should be made to help a low ranked member be able to win so they can rank up quicker. It sucks being a low ranked member and constantly getting destroyed by the higher ranked people.


      - Donor kits are desperately needed

      - There are times where the same map is picked many times

      - Maps are picked from the build team most of the time, try picking from the members of the community


      I do not have enough experience on either prison server to make a proper complaint, so onto the next game mode.

      Sky Block

      Some Commands Man: I used to work along with a titan on the last map, and it was so easy for him. I firmly believe titan should get good commands, it's an expensive rank, but god also has a few of these perks. What is the point of survival when you're in literal god mode with fly? If other perks can't be found then keep the current ones, but make it survival at least.... (Rhyme fully intended)

      How?: I get you can get a lot of unobtainable stuff through challenges, but there are some stuff I see for sell that has my head scratching, how? I used to play sky block and couldn't complete the nether challenges, it has reset since then, so maybe it's different now.

      Unique Features: While I have never played crew's other server skyblock.net, and I'm not sure how different skyblock is on there, but I think Mineverse's skyblock is super generic. It seems like the same of any other skyblock server I have ever played. I think the game mode needs more, considering it is one of Mineverse's most popular game modes. I can't say specific examples, but I'm pretty sure some creative minds could come up with unique ideas.

      Challenges: In the process of talking to sky block regulars, I noticed that challenges were taken out completely. Why take out something that was good!?!! It gave initiative to players, it gave them rare stuff, and made the game mode more fun. I had a lot of fun with challenges, and they really need to be added back!

      OP PvP

      Before I start on this one, this is the game mode I am most familiar with, so I'm going to have a lot to say about this one.

      Reset: I personally believe OP PvP needs a reset more than any other game mode on Mineverse. It has been around for a long time, it has never been reset, and the balance of the server is completely in wack. Literally everyone has the most powerful gear and there is nothing to work towards anymore and it has just got boring. No one wants a reset, but it is completely needed, and don't mess it up by having /op2. A new map should be included in this reset.

      Kits: There are many unnecessary kits like /kit paladin, they need to be removed and an ender pearl kit should be created with a proper cool down, another suggestion I made that was shot down. Who wants like 6 useless kits?

      Shop: Knock back ruins the pace of the game, especially when people have it their swords, it should not be an option to buy in the shop. And if it is kept in the shop, it should be used on sticks only like knock back 20 is. Slowness and jump boost potions need to be removed, and replaced with healing potions, especially if the useless kits that contain them are removed.

      Community Hate: Despite it being in the top 3 for the most popular game mode, the community hates on OP more than any other game mode. The owners refuse to reset it because they look down upon it. The community generalizes the OP community to be toxic, and say what you say about this thread being "toxic". I'm trying to be nice, and yes, OP does have some very toxic players, but the whole game mode should not be seen that way. There are nice people on OP, and they should not be seen as toxic. OP should be treated just like sky block and creative in terms of respect. This is the biggest culprit of moderators not coming on here. (Shout out to the mods who care though)

      And lastly, possibly the biggest thing wrong with OP PvP, this has been bothering me for months now. It has been around this entire time, it is so disgusting. I can't bear to look at this problem, it is why I stopped playing Mineverse. ITS SO BAD, I DON'T KNOW HOW ANYONE MESSED THIS UP. It's so cringe, it's ridiculous.

      The spawn is, uneven on the sides! You heard me correctly. One side reaches 7 blocks from the center and the other side reaches 8 blocks.... My OCD gmfu.

      That last point was a joke for fun. Remember that this is my opinion so take what I said here with a grain a salt. Please read this before commenting. If you read this congrats on reading my longest post ever on a Minecraft server forum, this took me three sittings to complete, so yeah.

      Last edited: Jun 9, 2017
    3. sircorgi

      sircorgi Boss Member

      Nov 28, 2014
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      probably a good rant tho

      maybe or u just put a bunch of filler like I do in my assignments
    4. JazzMagic

      JazzMagic Experienced Member

      Sep 17, 2014
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      I tried to get straight to the point as it was long enough. It also took up 10 pages in Google docs.
    5. GGs

      GGs Experienced Member

      Apr 30, 2016
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      Don't touch my bedwars I cries, bedwars will be alive again we are working on it, so leave bedwars alone or I cry a lot, tho hunger games and hellblock and towny can be replaced by new fresh gamemodes or minigames
    6. Ares_Xena

      Ares_Xena Legendary Member

      Jan 25, 2014
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      The ''lag'' you speak off is non existing to me. Really, I'm not quite sure what kind of lag you people speak off sometimes. Hackers are an issue on every server. A good anticheat, especially a custom one, can be expensive. More than.

      In terms of your staff argument, I have mixed opinions. When I was a moderator, I was surprised by the sometimes lack of communication and not handling reports. If I saw a report, I'd handle it. That was if I could evaluate it and handle it properly. Sometimes I'd ask for assistance on a report. I'd link it in the staff chat. Ohh we have a staff chat #exposed. And that report would sit there for hours without a reply. I'd have to link it multiple times to FINALLY get an answer. Ban appeals, reports, anything really. I was shocked how some things weren't being handled. I, personally, handled a lot of help reports, and did whatever I could on appeals and reports.

      The community argument list is just a waste of both of our times. As really, it's not going to change too much what you type about them. There are hundreds of people. Not gonna affect or influence much.

      Various things are wrong with each game-mode. Things are being reported, suggested, etc etc. I'm not going to sit here shy pretending that the management is doing everything in their power to solve this. Multiple people suggested KOTH (King of the Hill) on OP Factions. I linked it to Merkz on Skype. It was never used. Featherboard was never configured in the first place. Game-modes don't have to be reset. Just things to be added.

      I stopped playing on Mineverse a long time ago. I only log on to chat with players, assist them, and that's it. Maybe if Survival is finally reset I'll poke around. Until then, this is just a chatbox for me.
    7. JazzMagic

      JazzMagic Experienced Member

      Sep 17, 2014
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      I don't think more minigames would be popular, I think people just wouldn't play them. I think the server should invest the money elsewhere by improving the current game modes.

      I still see people complaining about lag, and the lag has improved SIGNIFICANTLY, I still find there are moments in the day where the server can have a little lag moment.

      Reports have also improved with newer staff teams, and some mods are better than others, but my main point suggested that mods should go in game more and find rule breakers instead of rely on reports. I understand they have lives, but they can attempt to do that more.

      The community part was expressing my opinion, I realize nothing is going to change.

      Some game modes require resets to be fixed in my opinion, sometimes you can't fix a boring, old, or broken thing by adding more things.
    8. GGs

      GGs Experienced Member

      Apr 30, 2016
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      Well just keep bedwars cause Cyp wants new bedwars maps to make players join again and he is working on fixing the glitches and bugs. I hope we could restore it cause bedwars was one of the most played games on mineverse.
    9. bare

      bare Well-Known Member

      Sep 9, 2015
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      damn ur right
    10. w0t_

      w0t_ Active Member

      Jul 25, 2016
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      maybe cyp should buy hypixels watchdog anticheat combined with mineplex combined with the hive combined with pvplounge combined with badlion
    11. JazzMagic

      JazzMagic Experienced Member

      Sep 17, 2014
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      I hope it could make a come back, but I honestly don't see that happening. Mineverse is on the fall, if bed wars is what brings the server back then great, but I really doubt it.

      Great idea, we just need hundreds of thousands of dollars to do this :tearsofjoy:
      • Like Like x 1
    12. w0t_

      w0t_ Active Member

      Jul 25, 2016
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      it was a joke but tru
    13. Winnfield

      Winnfield Boss Member

      Dec 29, 2013
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      To be honest, I've done nothing but defend Mineverse. Every single rant thread, I'm there to disprove it. But it's tedious now. This server needs improvement, drastic changes need to be made, and nothing is being done. Hell, it took the owner 9 days to publish the top voters, the people who are (most likely) paying for their super-expensive computers and housing.

      Small changes, make a big difference. However, there is no enthusiasm from the owner any more, and it's blatantly obvious... Painfully obvious.

      This server does lag, for me in the UK. It does have hackers, and the experience can be bad.
      Both of these problems have fixes, but nothing is being done. Nothing will be done, and it's sad to see a once-good server plummet like the sinking ship it is.

    14. JazzMagic

      JazzMagic Experienced Member

      Sep 17, 2014
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      I realize that, good joke bruh :tearsofjoy:

      It is sad to see this server die, even though I have a lot of complaints and made this rant, I still love the server, because I've been playing it since 2013 and it was nice to see the server grow and reach new heights. All servers die eventually, all the big name servers will die someday, but that day will probably when Minecraft dies. And Mineverse's decline can be related to Minecraft's decline. I hope the owners try to fix these problems, because who knows, Mineverse can grow again.
      • Like Like x 1
    15. WiiTarded

      WiiTarded Experienced Member

      May 2, 2016
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      u can't add watchdog without making mv a vanilla server. Watchdog looks at the type of packets u are sending to the server. Hacked/modded clients send different types of packets than vanilla mc. So if u play with any type of mod, watchdog will think u r hacking and will ban u.
    16. WiiTarded

      WiiTarded Experienced Member

      May 2, 2016
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      Sometimes I wonder why Kitpvp is not as toxic as OpPvp...
    17. BlueExplorer

      BlueExplorer Experienced Member

      Mar 4, 2016
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      Jazz... there's your problem... It's not 7 PM EST its 8 PM EST. And... technically its not "really" the last day of the month either. ;) lol...

      Great job! Love the details you put in to this... :)
    18. JazzMagic

      JazzMagic Experienced Member

      Sep 17, 2014
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      Maybe it changed? When I try winning top voter, the thing allowed me to vote at 4PM my time, and I live in PST timezone, or I messed up the conversion. And it's the day before the last day. It was an extra detail I was too lazy to type, but I guess an important one. I came top 10 in voting twice but never top 5, and I voted everyday :(
    19. sircorgi

      sircorgi Boss Member

      Nov 28, 2014
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      woah bro if you can't go outside then I can buy you some oxygen in a bottle

      seriously tho that's dedication
    20. JazzMagic

      JazzMagic Experienced Member

      Sep 17, 2014
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      I couldn't do it all in one sitting and honestly I got distracted a lot. Making a long rant was always something I wanted to do on here, so yeah....

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