Hello, I'd like to transfer the rank of Elite from my account FatShit to the account Akahi. She got hacked while moderating mineverse and that caused her to lose her account and rank, I'd like just a little bit of compensation for her because as of now she is a non-donor. If you want my account, FatShit to agree to the rank transfer I'll go in-game and upload a screenshot. I don't care if these aren't allowed, I want her to have her rank back.
While I know your heart is in the right place you should know all the facts before posting this. She was keylogged before she took the position by KingFrozo. I only found out after. She still has no access to that account? Maybe I can sway him to give it back. It was so sad when that all transpired. :(
I meant in reference to when she was keylogged. It was well before she became staff. He only took the account after finding out she was staff. I will see what I can do to get it back.