Hello! My name is apocalypses! My friend masterispro123 is sponsor but his rank does not appear on creative. Proof he is sponsor: https://gyazo.com/080fa7053dbe84e6dbf26b47d6cd1ecc Proof his rank does not appear on creative: https://gyazo.com/8848688cddc54ec47108d3c2d5647ace We asked two mod's to help in game but they where not much help. If you are wondering why I'm posting this for him instead of him posting this himself it's because he does not have a forums account!
Does it appear on any other server besides creative? Last night I had problems with having my prefix everywhere except Skywars, maybe that's the issue.
Wait a while for the rank to transfer over there, it may take some time. If not, email [email protected] with MasterPro123's IGN, the issue, and proof of the rank. They might or might not get back to you, as they are very busy with the emails.
Emailing Cypriot at the email posted above is the only way to solve this issue. Please include if you can: Your exact IGN The server you are having the issue on Evidence of your rank Any details that may help Best of luck to you.