My exact in game name is: TheCarcyTime (EvilDarkxX / TheEvilCarcyTime before) My purchased rank is/was: LAVAGOD My exact issue and or game mode where the problem is: I would like to have my rank back , not titan or god if its not possible but Elite or Supreme (MPV if cant ) Evidence ie: screenshots and/or any helpful information: i dont have screens but i have many people from server , ask to PopIsMyLife , he was a LAVADGOD too , my rank was bought by BellaSometimes ( she changed a lot of username ) (last account ) I really want my rank back please , that could be a really good action from you , thank you to answer , have nice day
You need to send an email to [email protected] with proof of your rank to be able to get it back. Unfortunately, there isn't anything we can do here on the forums.
Cypriotmerks is the only person who can help you. I have never even heard of this rank. You will have to email him at the email posted above. Closing.