Hello, I'm trying to get a friend of mine a decent rank, he is currently sponsor. I'm hoping he can get to MVP with these items that I offer. His IGN is HystericalAsian Factions -300k. -2 Super Golden apples. -27 Prot IV Books. -Sharp 5 axe along with 4 more sharp V Books - 5 sharp 5 swords (Titan swords) OP Factions -3 million -1 OP Sharp 10 (Titan sword) No knock back. -ALOT of depth strider 3 books -ALOT of sharp V books (Not sure how many, a tleast over half a double chest ea) -3 OP Titan sets (All possible enchants along with prot 15, e.g on boots - Prot 15, ub 3, depth 3, feather falling IV) OP PvP -2000 -Inventory full of armor -Enchanted ladder -8 Hardened stained clay - All my sharp 10s (atleast 4-6) -64 Gapples -Be in mah team :3 Infection -/Kit godexp Skywars - $300+ ArcherPVP -My armor along with my entire enderchest and bal (proj 4 + prot 4 set Mixed) These items for Sponsor --> MVP Hopefully these items are good enough for this upgrade.