Hi guys, I am xxELITE, and my best friend, Reddog147, wants MVP, and I am offering items / money in-game, for someone that gets it for him. I am offering:Kit PvP: x2 Sets of P4 diamond. $500. 10 Golden apples. Prison Kit Titan. $50,000. 10 Stacks of EXP bottles. Survival: Fully maxed out enchanted diamond Armour / tools. 10 Beacons. $130,000. Factions: x3 Kit Titan. $10,000. Infection: Kit TitanXP Kit MVPXP if you get him MVP. Skyblock: x1 Double chest of cobblestone. $2,000. Hellblock: Kit Titan. 5 Items of your choice to be fully enchanted. Skygrid: 10 Items of your choice, to be fully enchanted, with every enchant. OP PvP: 4 Sharpness 30 swords. Skywars: $1,000. Kit Titan. OP Factions: x3 Sharpness X. x3 Protection 15 Diamond. $60,000. I think these deals are fair, for MVP, for @reddog147, Bump me a convo, if you're interested in this deal, and is willing to get my friend MVP. Thank you for your consideration.