I spent 100$ on this server, and now I have a perm ban! I have made serveral appeals, but today, I have finally faced it. Cypriot doesn't care! So now, the only way that I can get my money's worth is to chargeback. I don't care if I get banned, because I am already ban, and now, it looks like he is not going to look at it. I have bought the god rank, I have several witnesses of me being a god as TiggyX19, TiggyX91, CallMeTiggy_21, DivineTiggy, UltraFire_23, TiggyDoesMC _TiggytheLegend_, HyperTiger__, and AlphaTiger__. I would like to charge it back, because I know now that i am not getting unbanned.
So I either want Cypriot to look at my appeal, or to get a refund to use on other servers, like mineplex
You aren't supposed to buy something just because you want it. You buy it to donate and help the server.
I know its to help, and i don't mind, but there has to be something in it for me. God rank was supposed to be my end. I have no access to it now, so whats the point