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  • Rambling on about OP PvP.

    Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by CallmeJax, Dec 13, 2014.

    1. CallmeJax

      CallmeJax Active Member

      Aug 10, 2014
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      So there is now a money and Auction plugin that has been added to OP PvP, and yeah things are a bit more interesting, what with killing for money. But there seems to be a very limited amount of items that can be purchased (especially if you've got an enderchest full of Sharp 30's). Besides the rare Glass and clay blocks which I've already collected/bought, there really isn't anything left to do with my money. Are we going to see more plugins in the future that we will be able to use with the money we've earned? Since OP PvP is scrictly PvP, could we get some more plugins to make PvP more interesting, maybe a /duel option, random 1v1 warp, or perhaps even a bounty plugin (hint hint).

      As a side note, I haven't been around for years on this server, but has the OP PvP map always been this one?

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