Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: TQAD The offender's exact ingame name: Rainingfayg A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: macro Evidence/full screenshots: 10/24/2020 3:44 AM EST NOTES: - Please make sure your name is shown in the evidence via scoreboard/chat - You cannot report on behalf of other players
I would also like for you to check his alts to see if he has been banned in the past for macro making it his 2nd offense
Just a question, I was in a trading room giving stuff to my alt and Rainingfayg glitched in with a horse and took stuff. How long can I get him banned for this? P.S. he made me pay 10k for the stuff back and i also have proof of him blackmailing. if you couldnt tell im trying to get him perm banned and i know if i can make him stack up enough ban points that will be possible.
@Toad if you have evidence of either of these offences I recommend uploading them here. If the original macros report is valid they will be noted with the ban and if the macros isn't accepted, we can turn to blackmail and glitching.
will the points stack up still? ^ Blackmail he says hop off me or I'm posing inferring that if I don't stop attacking him he will report me on forums to get me banned which is a threat. I'm aware of the point system and so like macro is a 1 month ban and Blackmail is a 1 month ban aswell so if the points stack up will he be perm banned? 5 day ban is above 25 points and a one month ban is 75 and 75+25=100 100 = perm banned he's mute evading from his alt Etero fayg mute evading from his muted alt Etero he admitted as well to being Etero
I've merged all your posts (8.) Can you please just write everything in one message As for the "points system" you are talking about, that is the forum rules you are looking at. There is no points system for in-game. Anyways, please be patient as we receive logs.
Banned for macros. Thank you for the report. The reported player has been tempbanned. This thread has been moved to Reports - Banned.